Sesame Street Rocks the House

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm a busy human today, working on a short fuse project. So in my absence, enjoy this "who's who" of Sesame Street cameo's from that classic, "Put Down the Duckie."


vince said...

Ah, Sesame Street, how I still can be amused by you.

And "Put Down the Duckie" is a classic, right up there with "Rubber Duckie."

Anne C. said...

Sesame Street is 100% awesome.

Eric said...

I hadn't seen that before. The ability of that show to get that kind of talent to come by for a few minutes in front of the camera. I'm in awe again.


mattw said...

Was that Jane Curtin that didn't sing and just moved her scarf back and forth?

Great video. Thanks!

mattw said...

And Eric, every time I see your icon in miniature it looks like a cloaked jedi holding up a light saber. :)

Janiece said...

That was Jane, all right. I don't think she can sing.

Random Michelle K said...

This answered some of my questions: