Colorado SkeptiCamp 3

Monday, March 30, 2009
It's that time of year again, Colorado skeptics. Time for the 3rd Annual Colorado SkeptiCamp, to be held Saturday May 9th, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm at Tivoli Student Union in Denver.

I attended last year's event, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The talks were interesting, the speakers engaging, and folks were just plain friendly. Talks this year promise to be just as interesting - the preliminary schedule includes topics such as "Mindfulness, Meditation, and Skepticism," "Exposing PseudoAstronomy: Top Creationist Claims Examined," "Financial Skepticism- how they Madoff with Your Money" and "Quantum Nonsense, or, How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Mom."

Additionally, my Celebrity Boyfriend™ Dr. Phil Plait, President of the JREF and proprietor of Bad Astronomy will be in attendance giving a JREF update.* Denver benefits by its proximity to Boulder, in this case.

There are still 64 seats available at this event, so sign up quickly to reserve your spot.

*Since this will be my second time meeting him, he may have to graduate from being my Celebrity Boyfriend™ to being my Close Personal Friend™ so that I won't have to cross into some weird alternate dimension where I'm a creepy, creepy stalker.