'Tard of the Week - Ari Fleischer

Thursday, March 19, 2009
This week's 'tard is former White House Press Secretary under George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer, who has apparently spent the last six years under a rock somewhere.

During an interview with Chris Matthews on Hardball, Mr. Fleischer made the following comment:
But after September 11, having been hit once, how could we take a chance that Saddam might not strike again? And that`s the threat that has been removed, and I think we`re all safer with that threat being removed.
Am I the only one who interprets this to mean that Mr. Fleischer was suggesting Saddam Hussein had some connection to the 9/11 attacks? I didn't think so.

Really, Mr. Fleischer? Really? Where the hell have you been the last six years when it became painfully, excruciatingly obvious that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks? Oh, that's right - you were writing your tell-all book and apparently eschewing reality.

The Bush administration - the gift that keeps on giving. At least to the blogosphere.


Jim Wright said...
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Eric said...

I'm afraid you're wrong, kids. If Fleischer believed that horseshit, he'd be a 'tard. Since he almost certainly doesn't and is just saying this out of habit, or because it's the party line, or because he knows it sells to dittohead Republicans, or because he's trying to rehab the Administration he served (or, most likely, all of the above), he's a douchebag.

But "Ari Fleischer is a big douchebag" isn't really a revelation, is it?

Jim Wright said...

ooh...that's just so George Bush.


Think you've got your 'tard of the month, Janiece.

Deleted the original and reposted because I just could not stand that particular typo.