A Little Note from Amazon

Thursday, March 12, 2009
This morning's e:mail brought a little note from Amazon, advising me that I can now get Paranormal Romance Books For Under $10!


Since when do I like "paranormal romance books?" The last book related item I bought from Amazon was Death by Black Hole by my celebrity boyfriend Neil deGrasse Tyson. And I bought that for my Kindle, since if a volume I'm interested in is available on Kindle, it's a safe bet I'm going to buy the download rather than the hard copy.

So where did the paranormal romance books come from? The Anita Blake books I bought for my Smart Daughter? Wouldn't that be paranormal erotica?

I think Amazon needs to tweak its algorithms just a bit.


Random Michelle K said...

I got that. Stuff that I classify as supernatural fantasy they classify as paranormal romance.

And I'm betting Anita Blake would do it.

mattw said...

Come on Janiece, you can fess up on your penchant for zombie/warewolf slash fiction. We won't judge.

Random Michelle K said...

HEY! I like vampire and werewolf fiction!

Janiece said...

Matt, I have enough REAL stuff that I need to be ashamed of that I really don't need to make shit up.

Thanks, though.