Here's mine:

I'm still dinking around with it, trying to get used to all the bells and whistles.
The SmartMan got this:

He's happy with his purchase, too, since we also got him a data plan so he can access the web from his phone. I didn't think I needed one, since I spend so many of my waking hours at my desk. The last thing I need is more time on-line.
I dunno... having the internet when you're (literally) on the road or sitting somewhere waiting is really really nice.
But it's a cute phone!
Michelle, if I'm with the SmartMan, then I can always borrow his phone.
And I already have my Kindle and my iPod. I can keep busy, I think.
I love the internet on my phone. Just another reason for me to not study - well maybe it's not such a good thing.
I thought that myself, but Michael was often loathe to give up his phone!
Imagine that!
Michelle, Michael has other virtues.
I wasn't debating that! I was just pointing out that it's nice to have your *own* internet.
My craptacular phone has had a cracked screen for months, and the dust and tiny bits of lint collecting on the screen is making it increasingly difficult to see. I'd go get it fixed, but the last time I did that I cracked it again just a couple weeks later. My cell phone karma sucks.
I'm trying to decide if I like the flip screen better than the slide screen I have.
Or more precisely, I'm wondering which one is more durable.
Oooh, very cool. Congratulations!
Oooh, pretty phones!
I really like T-Mobile and am likely to stay with them, but I do wish they had LG phones - SmartMan's looks like what I would want when I get a smartphone in October. I'm hoping that the price for the Samsung Memoir will be coming down by then.
Michelle, I like the flip screen, and my unit appears to be extremely durable.
But I'm not particularly hard on phones...
Either am I. When I got my new phone, I handed over my old phone so the guy at Best Buy could transfer my phone book.
He looked at my old phone and said, "you've had this for TWO YEARS?"
Secret: Don't put anything else in the same pocket as the phone.
I don't put anything in the same pocket as my phones, but I do tend to drop them a lot, which is why I've liked Nokias in the past. They seem to be pretty sturdy.
However, yesterday I was at a T-Mobile store playing with the Samsung Memoir (which I hadn't really played with before).
DO. WANT. Seriously.
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