*ring, ring*
Pastor Terry Jones: Hello! Don't forget to burn a Quran on September 11th!
Karma: Hello! This Karma. May I speak to Terry Jones, please?
TJ: This is Terry Jones. But I don't know any Karma. This is a CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR.
K: Yes, well, the good thing about my gig is that people don't need to "know" me in order for me to perform my work. But for the record, I'm the eastern idea that you will receive your punishment or reward for your deeds. You know...what comes around goes around, people get what they deserve. Karma.
TJ: I don't need any Karma. I am FORGIVEN. By JESUS. Who was WHITE.
K: Um, yeah. I hate to break the news, but if Jesus really lived and really was the son of God, he was a Jew. A middle eastern Jew.
K: Whatever.
TJ: I am sponsoring "Burn a Quran Day" on September 11th, so that ALL GOOD CHRISTIANS can show how pious they are. THAT's an activity ALL GOOD CHRISTIANS can support!
K: You know what else ALL GOOD CHRISTIANS support? Child pornography!
TJ: ...
K: Oh, wait...that's just the Catholics.
TJ: ...
K: In any event, regardless of what ALL GOOD CHRISTIANS believe, the possession of child pornography in your country is quite illegal. And I believe the secular authorities are one their way to inform you of that fact.
TJ: Those aren't mine! I was just...um...researching child pornography as a means to help Christians understand how blasphemous Islam is! Yes, yes! That's the ticket!
K: ::snort::
TJ: I need to call my attorney. And my P.R. person.
K: You are one sick son of a bitch. Maybe you should, oh, I don't know...pray?
TJ: That's not funny.
K: It's funny to me.
You know, it always seems to be the nastiest and most obnoxious of these people are the ones who get caught doing either something illegal or practicing what they're attacking in public.
Well, what do you know. The "good" pastor is a typical religious fundamentalist christian republican spouting hate and racism while engaged in even worse behavior.
Why do people even listen to these assholes?
'bout time Karma paid another visit to the pastor...
LMAOSHIAP!! (Laughing My Ass Off So Hard I Almost Peed)
"K: Oh, wait...that's just the Catholics."
LOL. Awesome
Welcome, abhi.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Damn, that's hilarious. I didn't see this until today.
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