I'm Sensing a Trend...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

This morning's e:Mail brought this delightful selection of Tea Party T-Shirt logos from long-time friend and occasional commenter The Mechanicky Gal. I especially enjoyed the one about harvesting the organs of immigrants. Because really, what ELSE are they good for?

If nothing else, the Tea Party sure provides comic relief...


Jeri said...

I must have the Mordor one. Except I hate crewneck tshirts... LOL

They are awesome! MechanickyGal, you scored. :)

Matt said...

Obama's from Mordor? Who knew? I always thought W's cronies had a striking resemblance to orcs, trolls and ringwraiths. Wow . . .Mordor . . . maybe they've got a point. After all, hobbits drank tea, didn't they? So did Tolkien . . . Hmm . . . Oh, that's right, teabaggers aren't literate enough to have read anything more complicated that a comic book, or the Turner Diaries. Even if they were, Tolkien was a damn foreigner anyway. Sarcasm . . . I get it! ::snirk::

WendyB_09 said...

I'm wondering what the Canadians did that warrant being nuked by the teabaggerz.

mom in northern said...

All pretty scary since some of these people are true belivers.

Eric said...

Okay, I think I may need the Mordor one myself....

Jerry Critter said...

Perfect teabagger logic.

Nathan said...

I'm not going to believe he was born in Mordor until he shows up at my house with his original birth certificate in hand!

Everybody knows he's Japanese.

David said...

I want the fire department one!

But Obama is left-handed, last time I checked. Uh-oh...

Janiece said...

Welcome back, David.

I thought he was left handed, too...

Carol Elaine said...

Janiece and David, don't try to insert your leftist "facts" into this conversation. Obama is a righty, just like he's an African-born Muslin!

Ooh, that tea looks a lot like Kool-Aid - I think I'll have some!