The whackadoos are now clamoring to have their voices heard as they claim this decision portends the end of civilization as we know it. Boo!
I think we all know that this issue will eventually end up in front of the Supreme Court, and I think it's fair to say that eventually, this civil rights issue will finally be put to rest from a legal point of view. That being the case, I'm content to pretty much ignore the bleating of the religious right. Their protestations smacks of the arguments made by the proponents of Jim Crow, and at this point, engaging with them typically just makes me sad as their relevance in a modern world slips further and further away.
But for Mr. Bruce Hausknecht, I'm going to make an exception.
Brucey apparently has many jobs within the media, but the most common one appears to be "Judicial Analyst." He fulfills this role for a variety of fundamental Christian and right-wing groups, including CitizenLink, Prayer and Action, and the EVER POPULAR and LOVING Focus on the Family. He's also evidently an attorney who received his J.D. from Northwestern University, although the only place I was able to confirm this was on CitizenLink's website.* I understand Northwestern University is a highly ranked institution, which means they must be so very pleased when one of their distinguished alums comes out with drivel like this:
Judge Walker’s ruling raises a shocking notion that a single federal judge can nullify the votes of more than 7 million California voters, binding Supreme Court precedent, and several millennia-worth of evidence that children need both a mom and a dad.Really, Brucey? Really? You graduated from one of the most prestigious law schools in the country, and you can't see how, within the context of our Republic and the checks and balances that come with having three branches of government, the judicial branch might overturn a popular vote that violates the rights of a minority under our Constitution? REALLY? Northwestern's standards must have really slipped.
Judge Walker, who was appointed to the bench by President George H.W. Bush, is not a "single federal judge" in this context. He is the representative of the judicial branch of our government, and his appointment and decision were executed in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. Is Brucey seriously suggesting that the Constitution should be amended to disallow the judicial branch from overturning state laws that do not pass constitutional muster? Or (more likely) is he suggesting that only right-wing Christian zealot approved decisions should pass constitutional muster? Nice job upholding your oath to the constitution, there, 'tard.
Brucey's twitter page describes him as "Husband, father, follower of Christ, culture warrior." Nowhere in there does it claim "defender of the Constitution" or "critical thinker." May I suggest, Brucey, that you follow your version of Christ and take your sorry ass to a culture that wants to stay in the 18th century? Because around here, the values of the day are equal rights, inclusiveness, and upholding the Constitution.
What a fucking 'tard.
*After the imbroglio the UCF went through to try and chase down the credentials of the LHC doomsayer and all-around whackadoo Walter Wagner, I now take claims of educational achievement with a grain of salt. Sad, but there it is.
And Judge Walker even responded to that steaming load ahead of time:
That the majority of California voters supported Proposition 8 is irrelevant, as “fundamental rights may not be submitted to [a] vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.” (Quoting a 1943 U.S. Supreme Court case)
A private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples is not proper basis for legislation. - Judge Walker
No kidding. How the hell does a guy who supposedly has a JD from a prestigious law school not understand the primary function of the Judiciary in this context is to prevent tyranny by the majority? What a fucking tool. This is the same kind of douchebag that would have supported slavery, because a majority of white voters (the only voters BTW) in the pre-Civil War South voted for it.
Jim, that's why I dusted off the 'tard feature - just for him.
And the wack-a-loons spouting the same nonsense would be screaming about their rights if the majority voted to take away their ability to, say, worship as they choose.
Fucking idiots.
Why yes, I have already encountered this same lunatic argument today. Informed them they neither understood the Constitution or the Bible. Pissed them off, I did.
Oh, and the court case quoted by Judge Walker is West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943), and can be found here:
Brucey is a perfect example of the modern right wing, bible thumpin' christian whacko. If the facts don't support his position, he'll make something up, usually supported by irrelevancies and partial truths. Of course he knows the role of the federal judiciary, but since it doesn't jive with his world view and would get him "off message", he's going to pull an Adam Savage and " . . .reject your reality and substitute his own!" Next will come the part where he closes his eyes, puts his hands over his ears and screams over and over, "fags are bad! Fags are bad!" Reason, logic, humanity and justice are lost on fanatics . . . or should I say "culture warrior?"
Vagabond, that whole "culture warrior" crap irks me.
"Warrior" my lily-white ass.
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