I'm a bit pressed for time today since I'm catching up from a couple of days off last week. Stupid employer, insisting I respond in a timely manner and provide decent support to my customers.
So while I'm off working through my deep-seated issues surrounding SIP trunk offerings and financial promotions, enjoy this INCREDIBLY RETARDED political ad from one Pamela Gorman, Arizona (where else?) Congressional candidate. Please note all the clever weapons-related repartee in addition to the footage of Ms. Gorman completely botching her form as she shoots her various weapons.*
I love the smell of desperation in the morning...
Squeeze of the trigger to The Bob and Elvis Show.
*I especially enjoyed her use of the Tommy gun. Because, really - what State Senator DOESN'T need a Tommy gun to keep her district safe from the invading hoards of brown people come to steal our Jesus? SHE'S A CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN, YOU KNOW.
And Arizonans wonder why their politics have become the laughingstock of the rest of the country...
OMG, that's like a self parody. Good thing she taught he son how to shoot crappily.
Hmm, wonder if that Tommy Gun is licensed. And to whom.
Now on the other hand, with all the other crazy stuff going on, the submessage of this ad is that if we send her to Congress, she's going to use those guns to get her way. It's Angle and that "Second Amendment Option" all over again.
These people are weapons-grade stupid....
Laughingstock of the rest of the country? How 'bout the rest of teh WORLD.....
Well, you could live in Georgia where we are perpetually reminded we have a giant NEWT spouting off all the time.
messubb = what Newt does every time he opens his moutn...
It would have been more fun if I could have seen her boobs quivering from the Thompson's recoil hmmm I wonder if that thing belonged to Roland of Norway.
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