
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I'm so sick of not sleeping through the night, I can't even tell you. On weekdays, I usually end up with five or six hours, since I waste a number of hours in the middle of the night laying there wondering, "would it really be so bad to be addicted to Lunestra?" On the weekends, I can usually total 8 hours of sleep - it's just not all in a row. As the Smart Man notes, I am a failure at sleeping.

I think what pisses me off the most is how much time I waste laying there not sleeping. In a normal week, I spend 10-15 hours laying in bed in the middle of the night, doing nothing but wishing I was asleep. I don't think there's anyone on the planet who couldn't find something to do with an additional 10-15 hours a week.

Stupid insomnia. Stupid sleepfail.


mom in northern said...

Don't just lie there.. Get up and do something...any thing...dust, wax the furniture...something..

Janiece said...

Mom, I've tried that. Then I'm up for the rest of the night. :-(

Shawn Powers said...

I have no good advice for you. I've suffered with insomnia as well, and it sucks.

The medicine I'm on now helps me sleep, but I'm beginning to grow used to it, and I find myself less and less "zonked" after I take it. So, I'm starting to sleep stranger hours.

If I ever find the magic, I'll be sure to share...

Wrooph: The sound I imagine Boogie makes.

WendyB_09 said...

I'm feelin' ya there chick. YAWN!

Thursday night I couldn't sleep so cleaned the kitchen until 1:30 in the AM. Did everything but vacuum and scrub the floor.

I frequently do laundry late at night, partly to keep from heating up the house, but mostly because I know I'll be up until 1 or 2 anyhow.

What really drives me crazy many nights is I'll drop off into a hard sleep while watching TV. When I wake up several hours later I have to try to get to bed without waking up all the way. Or I'm up the rest of the night.

I've never been one to sleep the so-called norm of 6-8 hours. If I sleep that much I'm sick. Majority of the time 4-5 hours a night is all I can sleep. But then again, no one's ever called me a morning person either...early mornings are an acquired skill for me.

Steve Buchheit said...

Ever since I broke my leg, I wake up most times I roll over. So being semi-awake several times a night is normal for me now.

But insomnia is not just an annoyance, there are a few medical problems that come with it. The most known is weight gain. I know when I'm able to sleep well, the pounds come off easily. And it's not because I get up and get a snack. It has to do with metabolism and rest cycles. But with chronic insomnia other problems can arise, like heart trouble.

Everybody sleeps differently. Some people can function with only 4-5 hours, some need 9 a night. If you've very tired the next morning than it's something you may want to have checked out.

jen said...

My problem is less about waking up in the middle of the night and more about how long it takes me to get to sleep in the first place. I can tell myself the clock goes off at 6, and I *need* to be asleep by midnight, but the time I crawl in bed never had anything to do with what time I got to sleep.

What made a difference to me was giving up on the idea of getting to sleep early, or at any set time. I stay up until I feel like I could actually get to sleep quickly. If that means I crawl in bed at 12:30 and am asleep by 1, well, that's less depressing than crawling in bed at 10:30 and STILL not getting to sleep before 1...

Janiece said...

Welcome, Jen.

Steve, I'm considering a trip to my GP, to at least talk about medication, because I'm concerned about the side effects you mentioned. I just really don't want to use meds every night just to get some sleep...

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Janiece said...


neurondoc said...

Janiece -- we can talk turkey about insomnia, if you want. Away from the blog of course. I don't want to provide unsolicited medical advice...

Stacey said...

I feel ya sister - both about the insomnia and the Lunesta. All I can say is I'm glad I let my GP give me samples of both Lunesta and Ambien. I've not had any side effects the times I've taken them, I sleep well when I do, and I take them for maybe 2 to 3 days and the cycle of not sleeping is broken for a while.

Janiece said...

Stacey, I had a good talk with NeuronDoc today, and made an appointment with my GP. We'll see how that goes.