
Thursday, May 5, 2011
I'm neck deep in PowerPointless today, preparing a presentation for an upcoming training session I'm giving via the web.

As you all know, I despise PowerPoint with the heat of thousand burning suns. Which makes my having to use it for this session especially ironic, don't you think? It's sort of a sad metaphor for the human condition of being forced to work in the soul-crushing abyss of corporate America when you'd much rather be performing work that contributes to the good in the world.

But we can't all be members of SEAL Team Six, so it's back to the grind for me.

UPDATE: Turns out the session had been canceled and no one notified me - the presenter. There's several hours of my life I'll never get back. Sigh.


Juan Federico said...

Last week I installed a product that I wasn't sure actually existed. I did part of the installation with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation. An unguided Powerpoint presentation for a different hardware platform but, it did the trick. You set yours up right and, I am certain that it will be used effectively by some thick-headed technical type at some future time. ;)

Janiece said...

Unfortunately, the target audience for this one is thick-headed sales types, and we all know they never use anything effectively.

Hee. I kill me.

Jeri said...

Hey - you're preparing yourself to be a consultant someday. ;)

Vaskis said...
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Janiece said...

Bite your tongue, Jeri. I'd rather work retail.

Janiece said...


Stacey said...

Have you tried Prezi?