A Word to the Wise

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The "culture wars" and in fact, the "war on terror" are not wars between Christians and Atheists, or Christians and Muslims, or Americans and Arabs. They're wars between radicals and moderates. 

Radicals will go to any length to ensure everyone adheres to their point of view. Moderates won't. It really is that simple, and we would be wise to remember that.

And in other news, the ISI (Pakistan's premier intelligence agency) are lying sacks of shit. Fuck you, Pakistan,* and the horse you rode in on. Christ I hope we pull our aid to those duplicitous motherfuckers. Allies, MY ASS.

*And by "Pakistan" I mean the government and the ISI, not the Joe Shmoe citizens who are simply trying to raise their families, make a living, and get through the day.


Helen Rae said...

Preach Sister! OBL in Abottabad is like if Timothy McVay lived at 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue. HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE HE'S THERE!?!?