Boogie Blogging Friday

Friday, September 26, 2008
Boogie's in fine fettle this morning. He had his favorite breakfast - baby carrots in au jus left over from last night's roast beast poured over kibble.


Now he's itching to go for his morning walkies, in spite of the fact that it's still pretty dark out. Poor thing will just have to wait until it warms up a bit, in spite of his whining.

For a 95lb ferocious doggie, he sure cries a lot.


Shawn Powers said...

Boogie has a similar face to Tux. Very hairy, and it also looks very absorbent. :)

Random Michelle K said...

Woof! (for Boogie obviously)

Janiece said...

Shawn, you said it. Every time that dog gets a drink, he immediately comes to find me so that he can wipe his beard on my leg.

I think this means he loves me. At least that's the interpretation I'm sticking with.

Anne C. said...

Hee! I love your dog, Janiece. :)

Janiece said...

He loves his Auntie Anne, too.