Who Cares? Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 34

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cindy McCain loathes VP candidate Sarah Palin! She called her a "trailer trash redneck!"* Is Cindy jealous? Will a cat-fight be next? Who Cares!

*I saw this on the cover of a tabloid in the super-market check-out, so it must be true.


vince said...

Oooo, Oooo, I care! Trailer trash cat fight! Pay-per-view! Promoted by Don King!

Eric said...

Will it lead to public humiliation for the Senator or the Governor? Is the hatred because the Governor is more than just a running mate, and can somebody get photographs to prove it? Is there some way to turn this into some desperately-needed Obamamentum in Ohio or Florida?

I might care more than I want to. Just sayin'.

Janiece said...

Eric, I still don't care. It offends my feminist sensibilities.

Eric said...

Fair enough. I'm just concerned that Senator McCain has started leading in some of the electoral vote projections. Not that they mean anything, and not that there aren't two months to go, but I'm starting to feel sweat between my shoulderblades, metaphorically speaking.

Nathan said...

I'm with Vince.

Jim Wright said...

Technically, anybody who comes from the MatSu Valley is usually referred to as Valley Trash, not trailer trash. We've got t-shirts and everything. Just saying.

And you know, throw in Michelle Obama and some jello and I'm all over this cat fight thing.

:::runs away, laughing manically

Janiece said...

You better run, you asshole.

Eric said...

Well, hell, if we're adding Jello (or mud) and can substitute Michelle Obama for Cindy McCain, I'd probably buy a ticket myself.
