Since our good friend Eric has decided to start pimping out his sister, I thought I'd get on the pander bandwagon and dedicate some bandwidth to a good cause.
Robin Hood is a NYC based charity that helps the poor by funding local programs targeted at poverty relief. According to Charity Navigator, they have a bitchin' 4 out of 4 stars, with a whopping 92.4% of their income and revenue going towards program expenses. Go, Robin Hood!
In any case, Robbin (Eric's sister, not the charity) is running a marathon, and has decided to "Race for Robin Hood." She's looking for some donations to help her achieve her goal of $5,000.00 for this worthy cause.
If you're a Hot Chick or Smart Man with some wiggle room in your charitable contributions budget, check out Robbin's page and give up the green for a worthy cause.
Good luck to Robbin and Oscar the Dog!
Thank you!
(Aside from the obvious reasons, I'd also like to add that your blogging this gave me the biggest smile I've had all day.)
Want to know what's even cooler than the idea of you wearing this outfit while pimpin' your sister out?
My company does matching contributions for approved charities, and I've registered my donation to Robbin's cause.
Twice the dough for half the work, baby.
Go, corporate match!
First apple butter, now this--damn, Janiece. I'm speechless. "Thank you" is inadequate. Really, really inadequate. Thank you.
You know you're always welcome, but it's not all about Robbin being your sister.
If Robin Hood hadn't met my minimum rules for charitable giving, they wouldn't have gotten my (and my company's) money.
But they did. So everyone wins! (Especially the poor).
You're still awesome. And at this point I have more than enough witnesses to prove it.
I can't hear you!
'Cause you're making me blush...
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