A direct quote from Michael Savage, Asshole: "Liberalism is in essence the HIV virus, and it weakens the defense cells of a nation. What are the defense cells of a nation? Well, the church, they've attacked particularly the Catholic Church for 30 straight years. The police, attacked for the last 50 straight years by the ACLU viruses. And the military, attacked for the last 50 years by the Barbara Boxer viruses on our planet."
Really, Michael Savage? Really? Could you be a bigger fucking hypocrite? I'm a liberal. By your own standards I'm "mentally ill" because I believe the first Amendment should be applied to all religious institutions, including the Christian majority; I believe the police should be accountable for their professional actions, good and bad; I believe the Armed Forces should only be used as a last resort when diplomacy fails, and should also be the best trained, best equipped, best paid Armed Forces in the world.
My credibility for these positions? I'm the daughter of a law enforcement professional. I'm a civic volunteer. I'm a 17 year veteran of the Armed Forces. I'm a contributing member of society. I'm a blogger who, when I talk out of my ass, admits that's the case.
Based on your bio, you're not any of these things. You're a shock-jock with no understanding of service. You're a guy who wasted his education by writing a book on the wonders of Homeopathy. Seriously? Homeopathy? This is your stunning contribution to human knowledge? How very fitting.
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Yeah, homeopathy - just. can't. take. it. seriously.
Savage projects something that I hear a lot from Conservatives - a shear frothing hatred of liberals. A belief that liberalism is somehow a defect. And the full on belief that the world would be a better place if everybody was a militant christian white person - when history has shown just exactly the opposite. When most of Europe was exactly that and ruled by the very church Savage glorifies, it was one of the most repressive de facto dictatorships in recorded history. Far from being a benevolent government, the Church was an often violent, brutal, and an intolerant boot on the neck of the people.
Understand I'm not attacking the Catholic Church per se, but the truth of the matter is that when any religion becomes the dominant force in a land, the results are always the same, eventually. When police and the military are allowed unfettered reign, the same exact thing happens - such is human nature. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely - I find this to be true above all things.
Now, unrestrained liberalism also has it's pitfalls - for precisely the same reason, human nature. Witness the failed promise and implosion of the Hippie movement of the 60's.
Balance is the only human solution that works. Stable human societies require a 50/50 balance of liberal and conservative viewpoints - or they swing too far out of balance and self destruct. That balance can push right or left to deal with certain crisis situations - swing right to deal with war and conflict, swing left to deal with social issues. But overall it must remain in balance for the society to survive.
This is something that both extreme liberals and extreme conservatives miss. Always and predictably.
As usual, I froth at the mouth and then Jim comes in all Gary Stu and articulates the main point.
Why, yes, my gift is pointing and laughing at the nutbars, why do you ask?
Thanks, Jim.
A Ph.D. in "nutritional ethnobiology"?!?!?
WTF is that?
Seriously, we need to stop giving out these court jester degrees.It adds a veneer of legitimacy to the luddites and nutbars.
When my ILs were here this weekend my MIL turned on my eldest and laid into him like a pit bull in lipstick, wanting to know "Who are you going to vote for this fall!?!?"
His jaw dropped, and I all but bodily threw myself between them, saying that voting choices were really a private matter - the important thing was that he WAS voting.
She has that frothing, personal-level hatred of liberals thing going on, and had she heard my son was probably going to vote for Obama, she would have exploded, chewed him up and spit him out. And it's none of her freaking business - it's a secret ballot, heard of the concept?
The son had the good sense to be very afraid of that conversation too.
I don't get it. I don't agree with Palin's political views, but I admire her achievements, and would even enjoy having lunch with her. Maybe it's akin to the battlefield frenzy mindset, but the flaming personal hatred thing just makes no sense.
Oh god, my mom listens to all of these fuckwits. And my Dad laughs and jeers at them.
Can't wait to spring that homeopathy gem on her! (Excuse me Mom, but when you spout some of the crap you do.....)
John, be care, my wife holds a Phd in Ethnobotany (Miami U, Oxford, Ohio). But at least her degree have various per reviewed journals to it's name.
Jim, yeah. When I encountered the first woman who seriously wanted to do nothing other than be kept in a house and birth babies I was literally stunned into silence. I've since found people who seriously love to live in a dictatorship. That conservative branch this guy belongs to I would lump in that category. They thinking having an aristocracy would be swell. But just like the re-enactors at RenFair events, only if they get to be in the aristocracy and the rest of us in the peasant classes. It's the bully mentality rationalized.
Poor Smug Son. Nothing like having your franchise attacked right out of the gate.
Jeri, I tend to agree with your position - I don't like Sarah Palin politically, but it's not personal. She simply has positions with which I fundamentally disagree. For me, that means I'll never vote for her. It doesn't mean I wish her or her family harm, or consider her and her kind a parasite on the surface of the earth.
Seriously, people - lighten up.
I honestly think that Michael Savage is mentally ill. Especially if he really does believe the bilge he spews.
I admit I'm pretty far to the left of the political divide. I voted for Nader in '92 and '96 (but not in '00 - as politically unaware as I was eight years ago, Bush scared the crap out of me, so I voted for Gore). And my thoughts about Palin are far less charitable than Jeri's or Janiece's - i.e., in my view, fundamental conservatism of the sort she seems to embrace shows a definite lack of compassion for humans in general, though yes, working hard towards becoming governor of Alaska and apparently doing a pretty good job of it are to be admired. I grant her that.
I agree with Jim that balance is what is needed in any society for it to grow and prosper. Much as I think it would be just dandy if everyone would share my very liberal worldview because, damn it, I know best and everyone should realize that - I don't know that society could actually survive my neo-hippy peacnik tendencies if that's all there were.
Even though I do know best, damn it. :p
Jeri, that does suck, but what a great way for you to handle it. Too bad your MIL doesn't realize family can disagree but not be hateful about it. I don't agree with my born-again Christian neo-con sister and she doesn't agree with frothing-at-the-mouth, super-liberal me, but we still manage to be pleasant and loving with each other. It is possible.
But yeah, Michael Savage? Gives assholes a bad name.
On rare occasions I have been know to have frothing, personal-level hatred of an individual that I have despised due to what they have done. But it was about the individual that I honestly felt I could label as evil, like Hitler and Stalin were evil.
Anyone who has studied history (yeah, like people like Michael Savage know shit about history) know that theocracies tend to be the equivalent of dictatorships. And usually not benevolent dictatorships.
Jeri, good for you for protecting your son. No one has the right to do what your MIL tried to do. And I know about having to keep family peace, but I'd have told her it was none of her damn business and to leave my son alone. And yes, this is why there were times when I had nothing to do with my ex-MIL - I could keep quiet for so long and then I'd let it all out.
My bad.
I have nothing of import to add except, "what Jim said"
However, I do want to point out that when I first read this, I was confused, and thought you initially meant Dan Savage.
This Savage guy is a fucken coward. He is a Jew and can not admit to it because hes making money from right wing Christians. This guy should stop polluting 'our' airwaves with his vile , dangerous crap that motivates dumb , uneducated rednecks that are too dumb to know any better. By the way Michael Weiner went nude swimming with Allen Ginsburg in the early 70s.
Welcome, Lonnie.
Yeah, ole Michael's not exactly rowing with all oars.
Alright Liberals - you're against this thing and that thing and you are very outspoken on anything "caucasian." So - what are your views on Islamoterrorism?
I know you're probably not going to return, Inter-man, but I thought I'd point out that your question has already been answered by Jim:
"...the truth of the matter is that when any religion becomes the dominant force in a land, the results are always the same, eventually."
Thanks, Anne. As usual, you're on point.
Inter-man, I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish by commenting on an 18 month old post on someone who's clearly off the rails, but I'll give you the courtesy of a response.
For me, there's no such thing as "Islamoterrorism." That's a made up word used by fear-mongers in an attempt to make the actions of brown people seem more heinous than the actions of white people when essentially they're indulging in the same behavior. There's simply terrorism. Whether the act was committed by Timothy McVeigh or Mohamed Atta doesn't really matter - they're both fucked up.
In my opinion, however, not all societies are created equal. Being a female liberal who's fond of controlling her own destiny, I happen to think that liberal societies that allow free speech and other civil liberties, as well as gender equality, are superior to those societies that don't allow such things. So in my opinion, western liberal democracies are superior constructs than say, Saudi Arabia. I think I can make a logical, defensible case for that superiority, but it wouldn't have anything to do being "Caucasian," as you imply. Veiled racism - it's not just for Tea Baggers anymore!
None of which, of course, has anything to do with the point of the post - that Michael Savage is an ignorant douchebag.
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