September 'Tard of the Month

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
September's coming to a close, and it's time to vote on the September 'Tard of the Month. Here are today's incredibly dumbass candidates.

- Walter Wagner, who thinks the LHC will destroy life-as-we-it.
- BC Tours, your "Biblically Correct" alternative to reality.
- The Anonymous Pedicure Customer, who believes fascism is a much better alternative than our two-party system.
- The McCain Campaign, who are apparently incapable of telling time.

Get your votes in, people - these things don't settle themselves.


Cindi in CO said...

I chose The Anonymous Pedicure Customer because it's attitudes like hers that spawn all the other retarded behaviours you documented this month.

Jeri said...

I have a new nominee for you - except 'tard doesn't cover it, terrorist is more apt.

But yeah, pedicure customer needs slapped upside the head with the Shovel.

Janiece said...

Christ on a crutch.

Shawn Powers said...

Speaking of the LHC -- one of the guys that works there emailed me after my live show on Thursday. (Yeah, I think it totally rocks that someone from CERN was watching my show...)

Anyway, he sent me this link. Wow. (He also sent me this link, which is just awesome too. ;) )

uh... sorry to hijack your post.

Janiece said...

No need to apologize, Shawn - news of the LHC is always welcome.

And, yeah, you're getting way too cool for us if the folks over at CERN are watching your 'casts. Soon we'll be all, like, "We knew him when!"

I'd seen the second link, and I think I've watched some similar drivel from the youtube guy. He's quite the conspiracy theorist, and not in a fun way, either.

Steve Buchheit said...

Wow, you narrowed it down to four. Man, my list is just overflowing with candidates.

Cindi in CO said...

I just clcked on Jeri's link.


My God.

Nathan said...

Yes, but has anyone thought to try loading pizzas into the LHC? Hmm?

Unimaginative bastards!

Nathan said...

Oh, BTW,

Having Shawn know people at CERN is cool and all, but the moment we'll have to brag about "knowing him when" is when he kicks Wheaton's ass at Penguincon. Yeah!

Nathan said...

(Obviously, I'm campaigning for 'Tard of the month" next month.

Janiece said...

Nathan, you'd have to be wackier than the tool in Shawn's first link just to qualify.


MWT said...

I see the pedicure woman as a symptom rather than a cause.

After that it was a hard decision between Wagner and BC Tours. I finally went with BC Tours because they have the potential to do more damage. At the end of the day, Wagner is really just a random wacko.

neurondoc said...

I voted for BC Tours, because I want to join Jim's Equal Time/Free Speech Task Force. :-)


John the Scientist said...

I went for Wagner because he's abusing the legal system and causing us taxpayers some money in the process.

Wagner's brand of luddite philosophy has the potential to grow, whereas BC tours is not going to convince anyone who isn't already a fundie.

Plus he's masquerading as a real scientist. ;-)

Ilya said...

There's something wrong with your pool, Janiece. It does not allow me to vote for multiple candidates.

Ilya said...

... poll ... [shakes head in utter embarrassment]

Janiece said...

Decisions must be made, Ilya, tough as they may be.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

But doens't the McCain "machine" sort of cover all the other 'Tards? Sort of wrap them all up in 1 handy-dandy package of Tool-ishness...

Eric said...

My vote went to the anonymous pedicure customer because she's probably a symptom and a cause. She's the kind of person who enables all the other 'tards on the list. A feedback loop of suck if you will.

Eric said...

...oh, and I stand by my assertion that the McCain campaign's "prescient" ad was merely a "special" moment with their favorite little candidate, who they are vewy, vewy pwoud of. Yes they are! :-P

Anne C. said...

RE: Jeri's link. I actually got one of those DVDs and meant to ask you guys if you knew what the background on it was. (I didn't watch the DVD, as I have no desire to sully my world with extremist filth.)