You Know You Love It

Monday, September 15, 2008


Shawn Powers said...

Ah yes, indeed I do. Still a family favorite in our house is Lydia. :D

vince said...

I do, I do. Muppets - they bring a smile no matter how yucky my day has been.

Eric said...

It makes it even better that it was originally the theme song from an Italian porno. That kind of subversiveness was what made the Muppets 10,000,000 times as awesome as just about anything else on TV.

Ilya said...

Surprisingly - muppets were not a big part of my growing up - this is one bit that I recognize myself. Love it!

Shawn Powers said...

rakee: Your use of plurality when referring to yourself sounds very Borgish. And if that's the case, your pitch should be different:

1) Offer web 3.0 features, like direct access mind links.

2) Who needs cookies when you can just inject your web visitors with nanites?

3) When you say "host" it scares me. I think you're being more literal than most would assume.

Please keep your beta even more private. :)

Janiece said...

I was going to break out the Shovel of Doom™, but that would relegate Shawn's excellent entry to nonsense.

We can't have that.

So Rakee, consider yourself "Tonged."

Cindi in CO said...


Thank you.

mom in northern said...

Remember the one about
"trudge, trudge, trudge"

That was always one of my favorites.

When ever I find myself on one of lifes many tread mills it comes to mind...