I Like Doggies, Part II

Thursday, April 2, 2009
This was our family dog when I was growing up, the Incomparable Schultzie™. He was the smartest dog I've ever seen, and a good, good boy.


Anne C. said...

The dog I remember best from my childhood was Gunny (short for gunny sack - don't ask me, my mum named him). He was a mutt, but a wonderfully sweet and intelligent dog. I miss him. :(

WendyB_09 said...

We grew up with Max, a standard red dachshound. Smart dog. He could be in a sound sleep 3 rooms away, and if you went to the frig to get grapes or apples, he would be at your feet before you got the door open.

Never showed up for broccoli or beets. He hated beets.


Anonymous said...

We had several dogs growing up, all of whom were great, but our standout dog was Buddy. We got him from the ticket booth at a drive-in in Virginia - someone had given several of puppies to the woman at the ticket booth so that she could find them homes. The ticket booth woman took one look at my parents and their five kids and thought we'd make a good home for the last puppy. His first meal with us consisted of bologna sandwiches we brought from home. It was a Burt Reynolds movie, so he was called B.R. at first, but his named morphed into Buddy.

We had Buddy for at least twelve years, through multiple moves all over the country. He was the smartest, sweetest dog you'd ever meet. Eventually he got cancer that was along the spine, so it was inoperable, but he lived a pretty good life for another few years, until one morning he just couldn't move and he had to be put to sleep. I came home from work to a Buddy-less house and my mom told me the bad news.

Gawd, I loved that dog. I still miss him too.

Mummy Grabill said...

Awww!! Look at those ears! He looks smart and attentive!

Anne - I too remember Gunny as being an incredibly sweet dog! Remember after our cat, Cloudy, had kittens? He really took to Butterball (one of the kittens) and they started sleeping together. It was particularly sweet because they had similar coloring and so she would kind of blend in when she slept with him. Dog and Cat friendships are so cute!

Cindi in CO said...

It's Poo! He was such a cutie.

Best. Dog. Ever.