Sunday Blatherations

Sunday, April 5, 2009
After doing about seven hours of homework yesterday, today I'll be driving North to have lunch with my Hot Mom. The SmartMan will be staying home, finishing the rebuild on his PC, walking the Incomparable Boogie™, and rewatching The Wire, simply the best cop drama on television ever.

That's pretty much our scintillating schedule for this Sunday, and in fact, I really don't have anything at all of substance to blather about today. Which makes today unlike any other Sunday, actually.


Keith Wilson said...

That's about three times more interesting than my Sunday. And I'm loving it!

WendyB_09 said...

Hey, I'm at work, so I know it's more interesting than my Sunday!

kimby said...

Well, contrary to what Keith commented on, I had a busy Sunday. Church, then of to a film screening of 8 B&W student with the little old lady next door..and now off to study. Isn't this supposed to be the day of rest or something?

Janiece said...

Silly Kimby. Day of rest!