World News Debunkerators Organization Exclusive

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Dateline: Baltimore, April 1, 2009: 1:00 a.m. GMT
All Rights Reserved
World News Debunkerators Organization

In a stunning exclusive, the World News Debunkerators Organization (WNDO) has finally determined the actual purpose of the secretive on-line organization known only as "The UCF."

While some on-line sleuths believe they are a government funded society whose purpose is to besmirch the reputations of pseudo-scientists, these reports were made in error, without the tireless diligence of WNDO reporters. Additionally, threats of lawsuits have resulted in no public revelations of this organization's true purpose.

Following an exhaustive investigation that spanned three continental breakfasts, WNDO has finally found definitive proof of the nefarious schemes attributed to The UCF:

Clearly, this group's ultimate goal is nothing less than world domination. Their New World Order will include leadership inspired by Frank Gorshin, and the dictate that all communities be organized in the image of a Biker Gang, complete with hazing, a Lead Bitch, and muffler free modes of transportation.

You heard it here first, folks, and remember:

WNDO - Your Window On the World

Happy April First, Hot Chicks and Smart Men.


Anne C. said...

That does explain a lot.

Janiece said...

Anne, I KNOW! The world makes so much more sense now!

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Ooooooo, so subversive!!!

Jim Wright said...

Actually, it explains nothing!

As intended.


WendyB_09 said...

me likey.

more fun for us!!


Happy April Fools Day!!

Janiece said...

I have NO IDEA what you all are talking about.*

*my middle name is "plausible deniability."

Nathan said...

That's a really ungainly middle name.