Yay, Fellow Humans

Friday, April 10, 2009
Things have been pretty crappy of late. Not only is the economy in the shitter, it seems likes the steaming piles of poo just keep on flowing near, under and over me and mine.

It's really starting to piss me off, and yesterday I had to resort to looking at YouTube videos of laughing babies to lift my mood.

So imagine my joy when today my Hot Mom brought me a clipping from the Denver Post that partially restored my faith in humanity.

It seems that Chuck Forbes, a Wyoming resident, was waiting for a liver transplant. When the call came, a blizzard had closed the roads, and he and his wife were unable to make it to the University of Colorado Hospital on the Anschutz Medical Campus. Like many windy, flat places, blizzards in Wyoming are no joke, and this one resulted in white out conditions. To add insult to injury, Mr. Forbes and his wife were running out of gas.

So they called the Wyoming Highway Patrol and explained the situation, who then called the Wyoming Department of Transportation. WYDOT hit the road with a vengeance, and provided them with a snowplow escort all the way to the Colorado border, where conditions improved. The Forbes made it to the hospital, and Mr. Forbes received his transplant and is recovering.

Thanks, WYDOT. It's nice to hear about my fellow humans making good, especially when the bad news keeps coming.


Anne C. said...

Some (possibly even most) of this feeling pissed/crappy is because you care so much for your friends. So here's a hug for you for being such a wonderful softie.


Nathan said...

Not to piss on your parade or anything, but don't all 50 of Wyoming's residents know each other? It's not like snowplow dude was going out of his way for a perfect stranger.

(Don't hit me...I know there are at least a couple thousand people in Wyoming.) XD

Janiece said...

Nathan, don't be an East Coast bigot.

Wyoming actually has tens of thousands of people.


Mummy Grabill said...

Janiece, I actually saw footage of this story on the news yesterday. It was pretty awesome seeing the convoy of snowplows paving the way. What a great story!

Nathan said...


I'm quite sure I could maintain my provincial bigotry on any coast.