Another Season of Rockies

Monday, February 18, 2008
Tickets for the 2008 season of the Colorado Rockies went on sale on Saturday. Not surprisingly, Opening Day sold out fairly quickly.

My Smart Man and I usually go to Opening Day, but this year we've decided to go to another game in the series, since we're not sure if he can get the day off for Opening Day. I'm sure it'll be fun, but I'm going to put on my curmudgeon hat for a minute.

My Smart Man and I have been going to see the Rockies for 10 years. We usually try to catch at least one game a month, going with various family members or friends. We follow their progress with interest, but we're not obsessive about it.

For most of those 10 years, they have really sucked. It was only last year that they started to perform in a way that caught the interest of the general public, and guess what? Fair-weather fans started to come out of the woodwork. Suddenly everyone was a Rockies fan, and wanted to get in on the act. You couldn't get post-season tickets to save your life, and the World Series ticket sales process was a Class A Goat Rope. Even though we really, really wanted to attend a post-season game, we had no chance to do so.

I'm a curmudgeon because I think all these fair-weather fans can blow me. Smart Man and I have supported the Rocks through thick and thin, and now that they're finally champions, everyone acts like "they knew it all along." Yeah, right. I'm sure they "knew it" the whole time we were going to games in a half-empty stadium.

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

I'll continue to support the Rockies, and I'll continue to think fair-weather fans suck. Because I'm a curmudgeon, and proud of it.


Nathan said...

I've got the same problem, only multiplied. I'm a Red Sox fan, so there's no shortage of True Believers. Just think what happens when the fair weather fans add their 2 cents. And my other problem is when the Red Sox come to NY. I can't stand either the Yankees or the Mets, but when the Red Sox show up, every idiot who hasn't gone to a ballgame since Reagan was in office, thinks they need to be there.


Janiece said...

Nathan, I hear you. Colorado is the home of many transplants, so regardless of who the Rockies are playing, typcially the opposing team's colors are very much in evidence in the stands.

But I'm a Rockies fan.

Tom said...

Janiece, it took a few years of living here in Boston before I became a Red Sox fan. But Fenway tickets are hard to get yearround. I'm a TV fan, especially with HD. But I do need to go to Fenway, at least once, to bask in the history, if nothing else.

It's a good thing the Rocks and the Sox are in different leagues. That way we can each be supportive of the other's choice of teams, until the end of the season. And I recall that we had an extremely civil discussion even when they faced off against each other. Here's hoping both our teams are playing in October!

Go Rocks (Yankees suck!)

Janiece said...

Tom, I'm not a big fan of watching baseball on T.V., although I dearly love going to the stadium. I find watching on T.V. to be boring. My Smart Man keeps me abreast of how they're doing, since he'll read about their progress.

The only other teams I'll root for is the Reds ('cause my Smart Man is a fan) and the Dodgers ('cause I like Tommy LaSorda).

I have no ill-will towards the Red Sox, but they did spank my Rockies, so I can't bring myself to "like" them. I'm sure you understand. Hehe.

John the Scientist said...

Rob the Bouncer has a rant on this very topic re. the Giants.

Janiece said...

John, the difference is that Colorado only has one baseball team. Around here, people abandon the entire sport when the team does poorly.

Which is weird, because Bronco fans aren't like that. Like the Sox, they have legions of True Believers. It just doesn't translate to the Rockies.

Tom said...

Janice, I can understand your reluctance. I, however will be magnanimous and be supportive of your team right down to the time they come up against the World Chammpion Red Sox!

Let me say that again... Nah, no need to rub it in. That's not the action of a magnanimous man.