Big Surprise.
I am:Robert A. HeinleinBeginning with technological action stories and progressing to epics with religious overtones, this take-no-prisoners writer racked up some huge sales numbers. |
I am:Robert A. HeinleinBeginning with technological action stories and progressing to epics with religious overtones, this take-no-prisoners writer racked up some huge sales numbers. |
I got Heinlein, so I took it again, and now I'm H.G. Wells.
I don't even know what that means. :)
You didn't want to be Heinlein?
I'm William Gibson!
Yay Cyberpunk (or anything punk)
I'm fine with Heinlein, but after most of our answers matched on Jim's questionaire, I thought I should be DIFFERENT, damnit!
Yeah rugged individualism. That's us!
Huh. I'm Hal Clement, who I have never actually read. Interesting.
I'm David Brin. I've never even heard of the guy.
I like monkeys
I'm Arthur C. Clarke - Woo friggin' hoo!
Brin, that's a major compliment, Nathan, as is Clement, Jeri. Both are serious world builders, through Brin is more of a story teller. Clement can be a little dry, but I love his stuff.
Cindi, I'll bet you changed your answer on the "America First" question didn't you?
Arthur C. Clarke
Well known for nonfiction science writing and for early promotion of the effort toward space travel, his fiction was often grand and visionary.
Yeah baby, bow down to my delusions of grand...err... my big brain!
Yes I did. And on most of the others too.
When you're told your whole life that you look JUST LIKE someone else, you do what you can to convice yourself that you don't THINK alike as well.
Not that it's an insulting comparison by any means, nor does it do much good to fight it.
Spell check anyone?
Oooh...David Brin.
Kiln People. One of my favorites.
I like monkies.
I like David Brin.
And monkies too.
I was RIGHT! It's spelled monkeys!
I'm NOT losing my...
(waves while slowly backing out of the room)
Nice weather we're having, 'eh?
Heh, heh, we're the Monkeys!
People say we Monkey around!
Monkey see, monkey do
Tania, isn't that the definition of a meme?
I'm Gregory Benford. I've never read his work, but I think I'm gonna have to start.
Funny bit on my reveal: "The real Greg Benford once took this quiz, and it told him he was Arthur C. Clarke."
Apparently, however, with only one changed answer, I turn out to be William Gibson.
Both of these answers strike me as being quite cool.
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