Phelps versus Huckabee = Everybody Wins!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I'm not sure how I missed this, but the Bad Astronomer reported on February 8th that Freeze-Dried Whack-a-Loon Fred Phelps decided to take a break from picketing the funerals of fallen service members in order to picket Freeze-Dried Whack-a-Loon Mike Huckabee in Topeka, Kansas.

There's just so much material here, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Nah...too easy.


Jim Wright said...

Uh, who do you root for in a contest like this?

Fred protesting Huck, that's almost too funny.

Janiece said...

That's the beauty, Jim. It doesn't really matter who wins the grudge match, 'cause they're both whack-jobs. It's like watching a death-match between a pedophile and a rapist. Who cares who wins?

For some reason this amuses me deeply.