As you all know, I'm not a huge fan of Westboro Baptist Church. I think they're a bunch of ignorant fucktards, and their practice of picketing military funerals is simply reprehensible.
Well, evidently picketing military funerals simply isn't a strong enough statement of just how fucked up these people are, because they've decided to expand their activities to include the funerals of two victims of the Northern Illinois University shootings. According to their website, which I will not link for any reason, they plan to protest the funerals of Catalina Garcia and Ryanne Mace today because Northern Illinois University once hosted a conference featuring a preacher who did not share their views.
What does the University's decision to host a conference have to do with the funeral services of these victims? I don't get it. Of course I also don't get what the funerals of military service members have to do with them thar gayz in Uhmeri-ka.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Seriously...what's their deal? Because even though I don't agree with a lot of groups and their politics and policies, usually I can at least understand where they're coming from. With these guys? Not so much. I can't think of a single thing on which I could find common ground with them.
They just suck. On every level. And I really, really hope they get the beat-down they deserve when they rudely interrupt these families' services.
There ought to be a provision in the law so that you can use a "his ass needed kicking" defense.
Because in this case, I think a person could successfully employ it.
"He needed killin'" is a valid defense in Texas, I think.
So we just wait until they protest in Texas, then go to town.
Right on.
Where's the logic? Death by violence? Or are they going to start protesting at the funerals of cancer victims?
And if a WBC member were killed by violence (soooooo unlikely), would WBC protest at their funeral?
Anne, you've got me, although I'm pretty sure that logic doesn't get much play with the members of the WBC.
I'm just guessing, though.
All West Virginia jokes aside, this group is actually a product of inbreeding. Literally. They're all cousins or closer.
Friends don't let friends marry family.
Ah, Kansas inbreeding. Very attractive.
And John? If your friends need to tell you that it's probably a bad idea to marry your family members, perhaps you should reconsider your plan to procreate. Just sayin'.
If they make an appearance anywhere near me, I'd like to volunteer to stand in a line of people standing nose to nose with them shouting FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU endlessly at the top of my lungs.
I'd also be happy to ear raw garlic and onions just beforehand.
ear, eat...whatever it takes.
Oh, and not to hijack or anything, but
you've all got to stop by the 'e' and look at the thread "An Armed Society" under Hot Button Topics.
Its all of our favorite people screaming at each other. too funny.
Nathan, I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with you on that one. And if my foot inadvertently slipped into one of their asses, then well, I guess that's just the risk I'll have to take.
I'll pass on the "e" thread, although I'm sure the screeching can be heard far and wide...
Count me in for the fuck you shouting. Also for the ass-kicking. (see first comment)
Nathan, I've given up on the 'e'. I've self-selected out to be with the people who made it interesting in the first place.
Nathan, I looked at the 'e', and wow.
What's wrong with those peoople?
I have to admit I just cruised over to the "e" and read the thread. Then delivered a spanking. And then left.
Because delivering spankings appears to be the only communication that gives me pleasure over there.
I'm with John and Jim. I'm so over those people.
The 'e' has now become, alonng with sites such as Kos and Conservapedia, an Internet Strange Attractor* for the Stupid.
*In the Chaos Theory sense.
John said "Internet Strange Attractor for the Stupid."
There's still a couple folks over there that I wouldn't mind drawing into the UCF, such as Christian and a couple others.
Janiece, please don't tarnish your shovel over there at the 'e' -- tis a strange place... (I haven't read the latest)
And Westboro? Yeah, thanks guys. "Baptist" really needed help drawing scorn from the masses.
The absolute saddest, most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen from them is their "God Hates the World" remake of "We Are The World." If you haven't seen it, search youtube for it. You'll hate it, but then at the end, it will break your heart. Bastards.
(Note: at the end of the video, the sweetest looking little girl sings the song her parents taught her. It's horrible.)
Shawn, I really don't need another reason to think these folks are the epitome of the Freeze-Dried Whack-a-Loon. And for the record, I don't consider them mainstream Baptists, and so are no reflection on you and your brethren. Don't they self-identify as "Primitive Baptists," along with that nut-job at that museum in Texas?
And the Shovel of Doom™ shall not be tarnished by the likes of taustin and Sergeant E. The Shovel is immune by virtue of my faith in good manners and critical thought. Or something. I think I may have stretched that metaphor a bit far...
I wish I were a lawyer, 'cause I'd donate my services to the families of the people they picket (Huckabee excepted) and find anything and everything in the book to sue their asses.
I'm a strong believer in freedom of speech, but the people burying their loved ones have a right to privacy, and the Freeze-Dried Whack-a-Loons can freely speech some other place. And if any of the Freeze-Dried Whack-a-Loons were to, say, find themselves on the wrong end of someone's foot, or fist, or some other implement of destruction, I would LOVE to be on the jury that tried to prosecute those whom belonged to said instruments of destruction. Or if a civil suit was filed aginst them by the Freeze-Dried Whack-a-Loons.
Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty!
Janiece, should said boot ever meet the ass of an ass, I will testify in your behalf. "Your honor, she wasn't there, she didn't do, I saw her not do it, and they deserved it anyway."
There are groups of retired Veterans who follow these assholes around the country, and create a barrier using their bodies and bikes between these jerk offs and normal human beings.
And I think they are very careful to be very polite, just to make a point to these fuckwads.
I also think they tend to rev the engines of their bikes to drown out the ignorant bastards if their chanting gets too loud.
Michelle, I've heard of those guys. I may join myself, even though I don't ride, just for the opportunity to put my money where my mouth is.
And Vince, thanks. I'll call you if I need an alibi.
If I were retired, I'd definitely join those guys for a while.
If I had the time, I'd love to fall in with the Patriot Guard, especially if my foot also happened to accidentally slip up the asses of several of the F-D W-a-Ls. I'd make sure I wore steel-pointy-toed stiletto boots for just such an occasion.
"steel-pointy-toed stiletto boots"
Oooohh - I'd sacrifice foot comfort for that!
Joining late, usual connections issues. Argh!
All West Virginia jokes aside ahhhh you the 6-toed, cousin lovin', crossed eyed jokes? ahahahaha. Sorry, couldn't help it. I several good friend from WV, and in fact just spoke to one them this mornign - and the high point of our conversations are the WV inbreeding jokes.
My opinion of the 'e' remains the same, you all know what it is and why I avoid it nowadays, so...dead horse, beatings, etc.
Carol Elaine in pointy-toed heels, yeah, I need a moment here. :)
Hi, Carol, glad to see you. Funny how all the really cool folks are migrating in this direction, isn't it?
Good Gravy, I have to start proof reading before posting.
Was in a hurry to get the comment in before the connection dropped again. Sorry.
Jim, can you get satellite Internet, or are you out of LOS?
And yes, Carol Elaine is made of teh Awesome. She should spend more time here, yes, yes!
Not that I'm stalking her steel-toed pointy stiletto's, or anything...
Aw shucks! Well, I'm just a cool-kid follower - what can I say?
Jim, are you done with your moment? Jim? Jim?
I think we've lost him, Janiece. Oh, and here's a pair of steel-toed pointy stiletto boots of your very own.
Hmm...Steel-Toed Point Stiletto Boots...
And Jim? Don't think I didn't see those WV joke comments...
In fairness to Jim, I think John started it. Not that we're juvenile, or anything.
Yeah, It was Nathan, he started it.
Satcom is not a good option here, geosat elevation is about 9 degrees, so even if there wasn't a huge-ass mountain in the way I'd need at least a 3 meter dish and a lot of clear, clear days - oh, and a shitload of money.
They should have the upgrade done soon, two weeks.
And Michelle, the people who make the most WV jokes? Yeah, people from WV, just saying (and I live in Alaska - there's some cousin lovin' going up here too, the winters are long and dark. Or so I'm told.)
My brain just rearranged "geosat" into something far less pleasant.
Though in retrospect, maybe that's what those big furry jerks need.
(goes and washes out brain)
michelle k, here's some lye. I find that works best with washing out that sort of thing from the brain. And eyes.
*still shuddering*
Sorree. I guess I should have said "...communications satellites in zero-deviation zero-inclined circular (non-elliptical, equatorial), high geo-stationary fixed-apparent orbit..." Sheesh.
If memory serves, there was a group from Rolling Thunder that was doing their best to make sure their protests were very far away from the families (of vets at least).
Personally, I think the Clown Attack Squad should make an appearance with them soon.
Anyway, what did Jim say? Geosat? Yeah, I think I read that right. And no I refuse to anagram that. Not gonna. No way. Can't make me.
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