Remember Me

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm proud of you. I remember.


Cindi in CO said...

Thank you to all who have served.

I, for one, never forget.

Jeri said...

Yes, thank you!
And my keyboard is dripping wet right now, I didn't have kleenex handy. :P

Janiece said...

Yeah, I'm a blubbering idiot, too.

vince said...

I remember.

The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs has a great site that provides Minnesota Veterans, their families and employers a one stop location for information or links available for veterans. The site has a Support Our Troops & Veterans page that lists organizations and ways to help all our troops and their families, regardless of what state they're from.

mom in northern said...

puddling must run in the family.

Shawn Powers said...

I'll add, in my angry voice, that if we, as a nation, ever treat troops the way my father was treated when he came home from his two tours in Vietnam, I'm leaving. Y'all can come along if you want.

Janiece said...

Shawn, I'll join you. I'm thinking British Columbia...

Anonymous said...

I kept a stiff upper lip until the uncle with the Ernie doll in his flack jacket. Thanks for the runny nose, Janiece.

Shawn, I'll be right behind you.

Janiece said...

We aim to serve. In every way.