The Good is that Gamma Acosta,
a local artist in Longmont, Colorado, is using his skills with spray paint to depict the presidential candidates on the side of his uncle's vacant commercial building in order to build awareness of the campaign. He said he knew too many people who didn't vote, and he wanted people to take an interest in the election because it was important.

The Bad is that a police employee in Hamilton, NJ has been sneaking into a church to surf porn on a nun's computer. He'd been doing it for weeks before he was caught. Real classy, dude. You're a grown man - you can't surf porn at home like the rest of the losers?
The Ugly is this tattoo. Damn. And ew. I wonder what the rest of the family got?
Have a nice Sunday!
I pass this location every day and have watched his progress. Before the politicians he had rock stars on the building. What is remarkable is that the low lifes of this world have left it alone. Lets hope the publicity doesn't attract them...
That cat picture doesn't bring you into compliance. Hurry up and give us two shots of the dog.
Mom, me too. I also heard he's doing ice sculptures of the candidates for the DNC. Pretty cool.
And Nathan? Done. But probably not what you had in mind. Hehe.
I wonder if he had the brown added to teh cats heinie? Or is his bellybutton just THAT nasty?
That tattoo is quite possibly the yuckiest thing I've seen all year.
And I love cats.
I thought it was yucky, too. Both the cat and the belly button.
That's Buttercup!
Tom, I am very carefully NOT going to ask. No, no...I'm not.
Ewwww. Janiece, quit posting pictures, please!
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