So what's the deal with bangs? Are they "in" or "out?"
The reason I ask is because after having bangs for about 100 years, I recently grew them out and am now bangless. (Guys, if you're still reading, then get your mind out of the gutter. Jeez.)
I'm not sure if I like it or not. At first I didn't like it because I was in the yucky in-between stage and ended up looking like Cindy-Lou Who most of the time. But they're longer now, and not in my face all the time, and I'm still not sure if I have the kind of face that should be without bangs. You decide:

So what's the verdict? Bangs? Or no Bangs?
Oooh! A truck!
Its all green and tumbly!
Grave-Digger, baby.
I'm having a similar internal debate. I cut off most of my hair about 2 years ago, and have been growing it back out, slowly, ever since. I had bangs when it was short, right now everything is one length, hitting at about my chin.
My first question - do you mind messing around with your hair, and do you find that it takes longer to groom with bangs or without bangs. (yeah, the filthy minded of you can observe that a good bang would interrupt anyones grooming routine. ha ha ha.)
Your face appears to be proportioned nicely enough that you don't need the bangs to comb over a receding hairline.
Shit. I was trying to be helpful, and now I feel like I'm just babbling at you. Love the new icon, btw. You guys are going to force me to come up with something new.
I have never had bangs, but they look spectacular on you! I also know through friends that bangs are made of magic. If you don't take the time to coif them, they run out of magic and look like hell.
Just keep that in mind when you're deciding. Frankly, I'd rather work the little magic I have left in other areas of my life. ;)
Tania, I have to say my icon change was inspired by Michelle's "This is How Penguins See Themselves" avatar. Love my new Mad Cow.
On the grooming front, I have to say that the most work-intensive style is the short, comb-it-with-an-eggbeater style. It requires daily washing, lots of product, and the full blow dry. Next is the current style, which does not require daily washing but does require the full blow dry. Otherwise I look like a blonde goth. The all-one-length, but-with-bangs is probably the least labor intensive. I only have to dry the bangs, wrestle them into place with product, and ignore the rest. That style usually ends up in a pony-tail. Very suburban, very boring.
In terms of how I want to look, I'd really like to cut the whole thing short as hell, let the grey come in, and go for the spiked look. But I'm a coward...I'm over 70% grey, and the first time someone asked me about my Smart Man being my son I'd have to kill someone. Which is just no good.
So I wrestle with the L'Oreal, and fuck around trying to find a style where my roots don't show between dye-jobs. I'm getting pretty bored with the entire thing, actually, which is why I'm throwing it open to the community at large.
I think I need a makeover...
I live in the no bangs camp, because for years my "hairstyle" was pull it all back into a ponytail and ignore it. So consider that as part of my recommendations.
First, I actually like the *picture* of you with bangs better than no bangs. But of course that's not 3D etc. I just like the way your hair frames your face in that picture.
Second, I *personally* would go with the low-maintenance option. I only get my hair cut a couple times a year, so bangs are right out for me. From there, I would take the lowest daily effort option.
But I'd actually vote for the cut it all short and spiked look--whether blonde or grey. You have a young face, and with an exciting haircut like that, I don't think people would think "old." But then I don't dye my hair.
And if I did dye my hair, I'd probably got for something like green or purple. So...
Though very short hair is very cold in the winter.
And I am proud to have served as a source of inspiration.
(That picture reminds me of a tall tale, where a friend's co-worker was convinced that cows ate chipmunks as part of their regular diet.)
Hi Michelle. Thanks for the input...I've been thinking short and spikey for quite some time, but I just can't get the courage up.
I'll probably procrastinate for another five years, though. I just can't seem to take the plunge...
Do it! You know you want to! All the other rats are doing it!
I look at hair like this--if it turns out badly, at least it will grow out.
I mean, if I can recover from this haircut then you can get over anything!
Oh, if you do crop you hair--see if you can donate it to Locks of Love!
Oh, Michelle. That haircut was so very...unfortunate. Tears for Fears, anyone?
My hair's not long enough to donate to locks of love. I'll keep trying to convince myself on the short hair thing. Maybe by the time it's long enough, I'll be ready to take the plunge.
You think THAT was bad, you should see pictures of some of the OTHER haircuts I've had.
Years ago, I was at a friends house, and we were looking through a box of pictures and I found a a picture of some chick with a horrible afro haircut. I point out what an awful picture it is, and then realize the picture is of me.
So as long as you don't reach THAT territory, you're golden.
Also? That haircut was 2003.
Oh, Michelle. I'm so sorry.
Hey Michelle,
Which one are you?
::don't forget to tip your waitress::
Janiece, Two words...Straight Razor.
Actually, a few more words. Don't tell the Smart Man where I live.
Oooh! A truck!
Its all green and tumbly!
Grave-Digger, baby.
I always find my hair is much higher maintenance when it's short.
I go with the cut if off spiky camp. Hair grows back. Dye is fun. And if you really hate, wear hats or try out the wig thing.
I have a dark purple stripe in my hair right now. I'm not certain about the placement, but I like the color.
I knew someone in high school with Michelle's pictured haircut. Though not piled quite as high on top, and not looking like it was flopping over...
Ooo... tumbly green truck! Hey Nathan, do you automatically imagine the crunch of crumpling metal when the thing falls to the ground? Or is that just me?
mwt et all,
That wasn't piled high on top--that's my natural curl and volume, and I believe the stylist had thinned it for that cut.
That was my hair after spending the morning working in my grandmother's yard when she still lived at home, not my hair after attempting to style it in any manner.
So next time you're thinking about complaining about your hair--remember, it could ALWAYS be worse! You could have MY hair!
And I still think you should go for short and spikey!
I'm ignoring that. But if you wake up one morning with your head shaved when it's 5 F outside and al your hats missing ... I know nothing about it.
Well, like I said, I want the short and spikey, I'm just a big timid wimp about it.
I'll let you all know.
I have played with the bangs question myself. I generally don't do the heavy bangs (have strong brows, so don't want to emphasize them too much) but I have done the spikey thin bangs. I would trim them myself - very carefully. Right now, however, I do not have bangs and I think it's a little more versatile. So, I understand the dilemma.
This'll sound like a Hallmark card, but you're a hot chick with a dynamite personality. I think you can make pretty much any haircut work for you.
Except Michelle's.
(Just kidding Michelle. I actually thought that picture was cute. Thought it was 80's cute, but cute nonetheless.)
I'm late to this discussion, but I say go short and spikey.
My hair was short and conservative at Thanksgiving, but I found a great gal and some courage, and now mine is spikey as hell. Although I still use color, it is SO DAMN EASY with this length.
I love it, and I think you would too.
Cindi, will you send a pic?
Of course, but not today. My hair is a little INTERESTING this morning.
That's the thing about super short hair - it's a crapshoot. Every day is a new adventure.
But I still love it. And with your face, you can do anything you want with your hair. Remember how you wore it to boot camp? So cute.
Cindi, lay down the crack pipe and step away from the computer. My hair in boot camp made me look like a male 70's reject.
What the hell is this conversation about? Hair?
High and tight, #2 on the top. Done. $8 at the base exchange. What?
For the record I like you with bangs.
Nice truck.
Jim, my desire to have really short hair does not translate to a "High and Tight" at the exchange barber shop. Seriously, dude - stick to what you know.
Like Grave-Digger. And wood-working.
I stand by my earlier statement. Can't say what your hair looked like, say, a month into boot camp, but at the airport? Cute.
mwt - what I imagine is the bang of shock absorbers giving out upon impact and the sudden poking of a broken seat spring into your ass. Nope, never done anything like that, no way. ;-)
Jim - I agree. I'm a civilian, so I'm about a #4 buzz-cut(free from the wife), but it's pretty close to high and tight. Did the long hair thing when I was kickboxing teenager, until I got into UFC-style stuff with wrestling. Long hair's a convenient handle. But 3 days' growth is still a great abrasive for helping you work your chin out of an attempted headlock.
Janiece - have you tried what the Chinese call the #5 ricebowl haircut? (Ducks and runs).
Word Verfification: bzkukt - "buzzcut?" - it's a sign!
What is wrong with you men? Can't you just admire Grave-Digger?
But Demi Moore was SO HOT in GI Jane (suppresses gagging).
But Demi Moore was SO HOT in GI Jane (suppresses gagging).
Unable to suppress gagging here. Don't like DM with or without long hair. And GI Jane? Less said about that POS, the better. But I do agree with the hair/handle comment - though it's been a long time since I've been able to execute a spin kick (bad knee, doncha know), the hair grab to reverse chock hold I can still manage pretty damned well.
And, Janiece, I know next to nothing about monster trucks. Really, not my thing at all. Wood working, yeah, that I can do.
But I really do like that picture of you with the short hair and bangs. The glasses style also suits you perfectly, very attractive.
Of course I'm late to this party, but I vote for no bangs. It's a more up-to-date style, and the bangs remind me of the Mid-Western Church Girl style favored by narrow-minded's everywhere......
Forgive apostrophe error.....
A style like April's (but not QUITE as extreme) would be great! Sort of tame in front then the explosion in back. I see it on quite a few people and it is edgy without being too crazy, but definitely NOT the dreaded "Mom-Look". DO IT.
Okay, y'all. I'm thinking of this.
I think you should cut it. It's only hair, and it WILL grow back.
I admit that's a newly aquired attitude for me, but I find I'm happier if I don't obsess over tonsorial issues so much.
My designer genes finally won out, I guess. Hee.
Do it! Cut your hair!
Just don't get a curly perm and you'll be fine!
Looks kinda low-cut to me.
Oh, you mean the hair.
YES YES YES! Providing you can let it be spiky and put down the hair spray? It's kind of a rub-gel-in-hands-and-comb-hair-with-fingers 'do. Something I would consider after my experiment to see how long my hair will actually grow phase ends.
P.S. Does neato color go with it? Dark and light combo? Just wondering....
Amy, my hair's so heavy, I don't know if it will spike without some product.
And probably not on the color thing - since the roots have to be done so often, dual colors would be un-sustainale in the long term.
If I do cut it all off, I may decide to let it grow out without color. Then I can look like Emmylou Harris!
I think Emmylou Harris is gorgeous.
I also love her music.
Cindi, I like her, too. Once I give this whole hair thing a bit more thought, I'll do another Chick Stuff post about the whole dye versus no dye, grey hair being long, etc.
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