My maxillofacial surgeon gave me a copy of my post-surgery X-Ray yesterday in my check-up. I think it's so cool. My Smart Boy thinks I'm more than a little odd for wanting to post it here, but I thought I'd continue in the TMI vein started by the photo of my Smartin' Man.
So this is what a $3K screw job looks like. *
*Disclaimer: I don't think I was overcharged. It was just too funny a joke to pass up.
Janiece, not only were you "screwed," it seems you were "screwed up!"
Being the Radiology PACS guy, I see x-rays every day (without knowing much about what they show). May I say "that's a good lookin set of choppers!"
Oooh! Neat!
Tom, my family has known that for years.
Michelle, I love your new avatar. Hee!
Makes me think of Terminator. But in a good way. I guess you now have a bionic jaw?
And this is supposed to make me feel better about my pending appointment with DOOM? er the Dental Gods?
Tania, maybe a bionic tooth. But that doesn't sound as sexy.
Nathan, it really wasn't that bad. Just ask for the IV anesthesia.
I love that picture. It's amusing AND it's got TEETH!
It's PERFECT! (It always makes me thing "big sharp pointy teeth!")
Maybe you shoulda asked your dentist it you could upgrade?
I think my Smartin' Man would object if I suddenly started sporting canines.
IV anesthetics are teh shiznitz. It's what I got when they took out all four wisdom teeth in one go, and it made me very relaxed and giggly. (Not nauseous like the laughing gas always does. Someone should do some renaming there...) Most people don't remember a thing afterwards either; I remembered a lot of it, and even though they were doing all sorts of questionable things in my mouth, I didn't mind. I just giggled. 'Twas fun for everyone. ;)
Really? You're like me? You don't have any canines?
I had to get mine pulled when I got braces. It makes my smile extra flat.
Michelle, I have my canines, they're just not particularly pointy.
And I was referring to canines that looked like your avatar's.
Scary, scary.
You did NOT change that to your Avatar!
You don't think that would be extra awesome to have teeth like that?
I mean really, someone is rude to you, all you have to do is smile and they'll be all over themselves to be nice to you.
(As an aside, I believe that picture is how penguins see themselves.)
Nathan, I TOTALLY changed that to my avatar. Until I can find a Mad Cow with canines like Michelle.
And it looks like you're screwed tight.
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