The Debate

Thursday, October 16, 2008
You know what? I didn't watch the debate. I didn't. So if you're looking for witty repartee on last night's festivities, please feel free to peruse Helen's thoughts, who apparently has the hots for Bob Schieffer.

In spite of the obvious blog fodder available, I just didn't have the heart to watch, since I've ALREADY VOTED.

That's right, Hot Chicks and Smart Men - I've ALREADY VOTED. That monkey is off my back, and onto yours.

There is really no excuse. None, none, none. VOTE.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to vote, I really would. However, even though the choice of the President of the United States has a global impact (especially and specifically on the USA's allies), they don't let me. :(

Good luck to everyone who has voted though.

mom in northern said...

How about "none of the above" ?

Jeri said...

I'd love to vote but they haven't sent me my mail-in ballot yet.

Sorry, excuses. ;)

Janiece said...

Welcome, perceptionistruth. Additionally geekery is always cheerfully accepted around here.

Unfortunately, they don't let me vote in the U.K., either. I'm hoping this time my fellow citizens and I won't vote with our collective head up our butts.

(Partisan? Who, me?)

Mom, unfortunately, we must hold our noses and pull the lever. A technique I believe you taught me.

Jeri, I used mail-in this time, too. That way I could fill out my ballot while drinking the beverage of my choice here at home (while holding my nose).

Jerry Critter said...

Vote or shut up!

I think that people who do not vote do not deserve to complain about what we end up with.

Janiece said...

Jerry, don't be silly. You know people are going to bitch and whine regardless of whether or not they take any personal responsibility for the outcome.

Snap out of it, man.

Jerry Critter said...

Of course I am talking about people who can vote here is the US. I am not telling non US citizens to shut up. After re-reading my post, it sounded like I was.


Jerry Critter said...

Yeah, I know.


MWT said...

Coincidentally my absentee ballot arrived in the mail this morning - right after the debating is done. Perfect timing, that. :) I'll be filling it out this weekend.

Random Michelle K said...

We have no excuse early voting here. Starting yesterday (or was it the day before?) you can go down to your courthouse and vote. You don't need a reason, just go vote.

Thing is, I get the day off, my polling place is *never* crowded (there were once ten people in the room. I was astounded.), and there is just something about going to the polling place and signing my name in the book that I just plain like.

So I do believe I'll wait until election day.

Besides, I need to look up some more local races.

Anonymous said...

"Welcome, perceptionistruth. Additionally geekery is always cheerfully accepted around here."

Glad to be here, you can blame my initial arrival some time ago on Wil Wheaton (in a long, round-a-bout kind of way), but my continued presence is all your own fault :)

Janiece said...

Tony, coincidentally, today I am wearing my "Wil says "Don't Be a Dick" T-Shirt.

Ah, serendipity.