Heading Home

Monday, October 13, 2008
I'm heading home this morning, and a good time was had by all.

I bought 16 pounds of yarn at a screaming sale yesterday, so that will have to follow me via the USPS, but other than than that, I managed to keep the shopping down to a minimum.



Jeri said...

Ok. I give in. Many moons ago - when I lived in the UK, actually - I learned how to knit. I did absolutely nothing with it, but I learned. Now I am thinking of picking it back up again, it's something I can do while watching tv or something relatively undemanding. (Audioconferences! LOL)

Knitting needles. Yarn. A couple of simple patterns. Check.

Janiece said...

Jeri, you'd be amazed how much knitting I get done during working hours. Audio conferences, indeed!

The Mechanicky Gal said...


Janiece said...
