Tard of the Week - McCain Strategists

Thursday, October 16, 2008
According to Newsweek, some weeks ago McCain strategists had Sarah Palin file an ethics complaint against herself with the State Personnel Board in regards to her behavior in Troopergate. The assumption was that only the Board was capable of a fair, non-partisan inquiry, in spite of the fact that the personnel board answered to Palin.

Well. You never can tell what will happen when you complain about yourself, can you?

The board, understanding the inherent conflict of interest and concerns about impartiality, hired an Anchorage trial lawyer named Timothy Petumenos as an independent counsel in the matter. Turns out Mr. Petumenos is a Democrat. Who supported Palin's opponent in the Governor's race. Who now wants to question the Governor about the matter.

Yeah. Good strategery, McCain advisers. 'Tards.


mattw said...

Sometimes it's a wonder they managed to get as far as they have.

Steve Buchheit said...

Opps. New McCain campaign slogan, "Once we're in office we'll stop all these screw-ups. No. Seriously. We will stop them."

Anne C. said...

WTF? That is a convoluted scheme if I ever heard one.