
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Forever War. Being made into a movie. By Ridley Scott.

This is made of Hawesome. With Awesome Sauce. Squee!


Jeri said...

I am cautiously optimistic. This could be a fabulous movie.

Then again, it could be Starship Troopers redux. Sigh.

Janiece said...

Now that's a depressing thought.

Way to put a damper on the festivities, Jeri.


Eric said...

I liked Starship Troopers--that said, I'm more of a Verhoeven fan than a Heinlein fan, and I understand why people who wanted an adaptation and got a blistering anti-fascist satire were disappointed.

The damper I have to throw on it (sorry!) is that Ridley Scott has a history of knocking 'em out of the park (Alien, Blade Runner) or beaning the umpire (Hannibal, 1492), with the occasional "WTF?!" thrown in (Legend, which I like, and Gladiator, which I think is pretty abominable but everyone else seems to like). Forever War will definitely look pretty... but it may not be a pretty sight, if you know what I mean.

Janiece said...

Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

::guess who I'm being?::

Eric said...

Dear Ms. Murphy,

I had the privilege of being involved in the production of a major motion picture in 1996, and my contributions as a credited member of the production team made me far more qualified to evaluate the merits of possible motion pictures [or films as they are sometimes called] than any of the people who make so-called films with their buddies. In addition, I spent several years as a researcher delving into motion picture evaluations as published in several leading journals, which is how I was able to predict that "The Phantom Menace" would be an extraordinarily successful exemplar of the field [perhaps I should have made my case more thoroughly, however].

Furthermore, I have been able to beat noted filmmakers at several popular and somewhat obscure board and card games on a variety of occasions. I have not necessarily beaten competition-level champions, but I assure you this is something you could also do if you cared to apply yourself, Ms. Murphy. Your foul-mouthed adherents, however, surely have difficulty with Checkers and Chutes And Ladders. They have yet to apologize to anyone, ever, for their ad hominem and ex post facto and terra incognito attacks.

(You weren't doing an impression of you-know-who were you...?)
::grins evilly::

Janiece said...

Eric, you are indeed an evil, evil, man.

But you make me laugh, so I'll forgive you.


Jim Wright said...

Holy fuck!

Not just The Forever War as a movie, but Ridley Scott?

Eric? Gladiator? No, seriously? Absolutely one of my favorite movies, ever. I'd love for TFW (one of my favorite books ever) to look like that.

I wonder which version will make it onto the screen? The original edited version - or Haldeman's original vietnamesque draft which is far better (and easier to film).

Janiece said...

Finally someone who has the same response as me!

Of course, this does nothing to dispel the rumor that Jim and I are the same person...