Matt's Nanny-Ware, however, seems to be taking things a bit far. In the Loot post below, the software determined the photo of the yarn skeins fell into the pr0n bucket, and wouldn't download it.
Yarn pr0n, only on Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men. You saw it here first, folks.

Obviously a photo of "bondage yarn". Not that there is anything wrong with getting tied up.
Maybe it's the phallic shaped one pounders? :D
Hi, I'm here to deliver yarn...
(laughing at naughty picture)
Carol Elanie - OMG, too funny! It'll show me the photo on this post, but the one before it about the anti-tards and the other yarn post still have no photos. I was even checking something on my blog and it wouldn't let me see half the photos, which were of Logan or the house.
ooo... yarn.... so soft, so squeezy! And the one on the end STANDING UP!! O.O
My, you have such big balls.
Of yarn.
I just looked and the previous pictures and realized...
Ah! My Interwebs cannot handle this hot yarn-on-yarn action!
Unsafe Yarn Pr0n, only on Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men.
Now with 100% less yarn condoms.
Stop! No More! I think my CPU is melting and the IT police are coming to get me! :P
I love the photo with all the positions. You crack me up, Janiece. :)
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