Palin As President Webstie

Thursday, October 16, 2008
You have got to check out this website. Keep clicking the door for full effect.

I laughed my ass off. And will continue to do so, since it will be updated daily until November 4th.

Wink, wink to Matt.


Lance Weber said...

That was awesomely snarktastic! Totally bookmarked for at least 19 more visits..

Tania said...

Last night I kept clicking on the Top Gun poster just to watch the hand motions. Because I'm tacky that way.

mattw said...

I keep finding stuff I haven't found before. Can't wait to see what's added tomorrow. And I love the dinosaur that walks by and the nuclear explosion.

Tania, have you seen this?

Jim Wright said...

I love the little things around the office, is that "science" in the trash can? And the bridge model on the desk. and oil wells outside the window.

Tania said...

Matt - Awww, that's making my slash-lovin' heart feel all gooshy.

Hee! Snort!

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