Comment of the Week

Saturday, December 20, 2008
This week's winner for Comment of the Week is John the Scientist, who made me chuckle and chortle with the following quote and comment IRT Pat Boone's ridiculous assertion that anti-Prop 8 activists are practically identical to the Mumbai terrorists. Really, they could be twins!

"Slavery was abolished ... and these true rights were not obtained by threats and violent demonstrations and civil disruption"

Uh, there was that Recent Unpleasantness Between the States that might have had a touch to do with Abolition. And, you know, even the Red-Staters down in Georgia characterize that as a violent demonstration and civil disruption.
That Recent Unpleasantness Between the States. *snort*

Congratulations, John, you win a holiday week of bragging rights and Awesome Sauce.


Random Michelle K said...

That may even be more amusing than, "the War of Northern Aggression," which one southern transplant told me it was called when she was in school.

John the Scientist said...

Janiece - thanks. The "let's suppress our differences and pretend everything is hunky dory" crowd always gets my goat. As you well know, I'm one for getting the problem out in the open and discussing it. Boone's grasp of history and human nature is about on par with my 3 year old's.

Also, isn't Boone the one who was happy to re-record the songs of black artists, getting the money and fame while they got paid bupkis for composing the music and lyrics (and recording them first for black audiences)? Methinks he might have told them to pipe down and let the boys in the studio executive suites divvy up everything the "right" way, too.

Michelle - I have heard both. In Northern Virginia, where it was often truly brother against brother, as loyalties were quite divided, the genteel old Southern ladies would use my phrase. The men were more likely to use TWONA.

Janiece said...

The UCF - telling it like it is since 2007.


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