Yeah, I was surprised to learn he was still alive, too.
So who read Mr. Boone's essay in World Net Daily about the so-called correlation between proposition 8 opponents and the Mumbai terrorist?
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
I doubt very seriously that there's much crossover in the readers of Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men and World Net Daily. So for those of you who missed this little missive of joy, I'll quote a small portion here. Mr. Boone is discussing the similarities between the terrorists of Mumbai and the opponents of Prop 8:
Oh, I know the homosexual "rights" demonstrations haven't reached the same level of violence, but I'm referring to the anger, the vehemence, the total disregard for law and order and the supposed rights of their fellow citizens. I'm referring to the intolerance, the hate seething in the words, faces and actions of those who didn't get their way in a democratic election, and who proclaim loudly that they will get their way, no matter what the electorate wants!Oh. My.
Am I the only one who is tired, tired, tired of the bogus assertion of evangelical Christians that they are somehow persecuted because their unearned privilege is being slowly replaced by true equality? I've got news for you, Mr. Boone - you need to come down off the cross. Whether it's religious displays on public land, Christianity in public schools or religious dogma insinuating public legal discourse, you are not being persecuted. You're simply being placed in the some boat as everyone else. The gayz are not angry at you because they're intolerant and hateful - I don't see them trying to abrogate your rights. They're angry because you're violating the 1st Amendment and trying to make your religious "laws" the Law of the Land. It's called the establishment clause, also known as separation of church and state. Perhaps you've heard of it.
As for them "getting their way" in violation of the will of the electorate...I'm sorry, Mr. Boone, but did you pass high school level history? Have you even heard of the idea that our national laws and institutions were deliberately constructed to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority? Have you ever heard of a Supreme Court ruling called Brown v The Board of Education? When a law is instituted that is violation of the Constitution of the United States, that statute is unlawful, and will eventually be overturned. Of course, you probably think that's just "judicial activism," seeing as how you're a privileged straight white guy, and all.
Mr. Boone also asserts that the Constitution does not guarantee "equal rights" to the gayz in regards to marriage because marriage is a religious creation, and thus not addressed in the Constitution.
I know I want to take my cue on Constitutional law and the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment from a washed up singer. How about you?
Really, Mr. Boone? Really? Are you really such a dumb-ass that you can't see that marriage is both a civil arrangement and a religious covenant? Prop 8 opponents aren't trying to force gay marriage into churches, synagogues or mosques who find such arrangements untenable. Religious institutions are private. The courthouse, however, is public. As in, governed by the rule of law, subject to the First and Fourteenth Amendment. My husband and I are completely irreligious, and yet our civil marriage is legal because we're of the opposite gender and our family fits into your religious view of the world? But a gay couple shouldn't be afforded the same civil right?
And don't try and obfuscate the issue with that "civil union" drivel. "Civil unions" and "marriage" do not convey the same set of legal rights. If they did, civil ceremonies would all be "civil unions," and "marriage" would be reserved for religious ceremony and institutions.
Here's my favorite quote from Mr. Boone's mouth-breathing crapola where he's describing Prop 8 opponents:
...hedonistic, irresponsible, blindly selfish goals and tactics of our homegrown sexual jihadists...I'm really not sure how he arrived at this. I mean, hypocrite much, Mr. Boone? The Prop 8 proponents used deceptive advertising, out of state money and other unsavory means to "get their way." And yet the folks fighting for the same rights you enjoy are the ones who are selfish and irresponsible? Their lawful demonstrations and activism makes them "hedonistic?" Yeah, you're right. How dare they demand equal treatment under the law! Selfish bastards!
You'd think the gay agenda included forcible sodomy for right-wing whack-jobs, the way he goes on.
You know what Mr. Boone's screed really reminds me of? Jesse Helms and other Jim Crow proponents trying to squash the civil rights movement. After all, them uppity black folk can't be trusted to self-govern or vote responsibly, and quality education would just be wasted on those people.
Just like equal marriage rights would just be wasted on these people, huh, Mr. Boone?
"Slavery was abolished, blacks and women obtained the rights to vote, and these true rights were not obtained by threats and violent demonstrations and civil disruption (though these things did occur, of course), but by due process, congressional deliberations and appropriate ratification."
Ole Pat Boone's understanding of history appears to match that of my three cats.
Does anyone actually care enough about what Pat Boone has to say to warrant publishing an article written by him? I mean, puh-lease...
Vince, I noticed that, too.
It's as though he believes that the activism of the civil rights advocates had no impact on the legislative reality of the 1960's. Because left to their own devices, all those privileged white guys would of eventually allowed equal treatment for all. Perhaps they would of learned to do so as a divine inspiration?
And I just love the insinuation that the right to marry isn't a "true" right.
I guess when no one's gainsaying your right to do something, it's the "natural order of the things."
I liked Carol's comment on Twitter when this came out.
"Suck my non-existent dick"
I think that deserves an "Amen"
Tania, when I mentioned it to my Hot Sister, she said, "Well, of course there's a correlation! If you're a man, once you put a dick in your mouth, you're only one step away from becoming a suicide bomber! Duh!"
"Slavery was abolished ... and these true rights were not obtained by threats and violent demonstrations and civil disruption"
Uh, there was that Recent Unpleasantness Between the States that might have had a touch to do with Abolition. And, you know, even the Red-Staters down in Georgia characterize that as a violent demonstration and civil disruption.
Recent Unpleasantness Between the States
Wait! Pat Boone's still alive?
Who'd thunk it?
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