'Tard of the Week (Part II) - Credit Union Teller

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Via Random Michelle, it appears that a teller at a Credit Union in Sandy, Utah, has decided that her tongue really is the best instrument available to chemically analyze suspicious substances.

When a customer brought in some coins, the teller in question noticed a powdery white substance on the money. She's evidently seen too many late night cop show reruns, because she tasted the substance to determine what it was.*

Yeah. She tasted it.

Now you know why there are two 'tards this week.

Christ on a crutch. Let's hope she chooses not to spread those genes into the community pool.

*It was powdered laxative.


Steve Buchheit said...

ha ha ha ha.

Yep, that's going to be a problem down the road. Although, you know, I bet she's popular on date night (once the laxative wears off that is).

WendyB_09 said...

Well, if she keeps that up she'll end up a contender for the Darwin Awards...

as it is she is definately swimming in the shallow end of the pool!

phynel said...

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