Prop 8 - The Musical

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

While most people who hang our here also visit Wil, I wanted to embed this anyway because it's Awesome with a side of Awesome Sauce.


Anonymous said...

My love for this is complete. Thank you, Janiece.

Eric said...

I'm mildly disappointed that nobody has written a movie with that cast, because I would totally go see it. Good grief.

But it's a great video.

On a tangential note, Andy Richter Controls The Universe was one of the greatest TV shows ever.

Thanks for posting this!

mattw said...

This is great. Thanks for posting.

vince said...

God help me, Jack Black as Jesus was funny, and his lines accurate. The whole Prop 8 thing was so stupid, and this did a good job of showing why.

Janiece said...

"Hey, how's it going."


Anne C. said...

Loved it. Loved looking at which actors were participating. Yay for free speech and speaking out!