November 'Tard of the Month

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's already December, which means it's time to vote for November's 'Tard of the Month. There are only three candidates this time - somehow I missed a week in there.

This month's candidates are 52% of California Voters, who thought that denying others' right was a fabulous idea, LCDR Brian Waite, whose use of his military uniform in his evangelizing couldn't have been more obvious, and President George W. Bush, who believes if he sticks to the "lalalala I can't hear you!" school of politics, his legacy will be secure.

Vote early, vote often:


Nathan said...

I'm going with Waite because the others generate enough attention with your help.

John the Scientist said...

I went with Waite because Bush is Tard of the decade.

Jeri said...

California voters. Maybe the Big One will come along and slide the state into the sea.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Eeeeeasy Jeri!
There are some alarmingly large pockets of intolerance here. I am constantly amazed. There is a community called Santee, just outside of San Diego that locally we call it Klantee.
And then farther out is Lakeside, which seems to be a whole community transplanted from some backwoods hick place.
And all in Southern California!
But my hacienda, tolerance is demanded!

Nathan said...

OOK! That was supposed to say without you help.

Nathan said...

your help.


Anonymous said...

A no-brainer for me - 52% of California voters. I love my state, but those people made me ashamed of it.

Jeri, I kinda like it here. And if I leave L.A., it would be to move to San Francisco, which is also in California. Please don't make us slide off into the Pacific.

Jeri said...

Yeah, I thought better of that and came back to be contrite before I even saw your comments. Because there are people I *like* in California. :)

Still, the 'yes' voters get a major 'tard vote in my book.

MWT said...

I went with Waite because Bush is tard of the decade too.

And I'm not going to assume that all 52% of the California voters are tards. A lot of them voted based on what they think is right, and I don't see how they can be faulted for that. Now the trick is to show them why they're wrong (in a way that they'll listen).

Janiece said...

I had to go with Waite.

While both him and the "yes" voters fundamentally offend me, he offends me more.

Thordr said...

Ugh, I cant decide, mabey you should just have a threeway tie this month.