Proud Parental Moments

Monday, December 22, 2008
Last week was finals week for the Smart Boy. He's in three AP classes this year, and was stressing out about them.

Turns out, however, that the class that gave him the most grief was his Debate final. He ended up in Debate by accident, and has some (justifiable) complaints about this class. The final was an oration about a topic of the student's choice.

The Smart Boy had decided to orate on the tendency of adults to disrespect minors and their ideas, even if they're only days away from their franchise. He feels fairly strongly about this, and I thought it was an okay topic.

He wrote the oration, and was practicing it, when he suddenly realized that what he wrote made no sense at all. It was, in his words, utter, stinking crap...iincoherent drivel. He indicated he had made such a mess of it, that even the topic was beyond saving, since it had been contaminated with teh stoopid.


So he started over and rewrote his oration on the topic of why he's a Jeffersonian and a strong defender of states' rights, and why the Federalists were full of poo.

That's my boy. My Smart Boy.


The Mechanicky Gal said...

Gee, that made no sense at all pretty much describes all teh term papers I ever turned in! And I don't exaggerate!

Jeri said...

Good for him for having that sense of perspective - and the willingness to completely rework it. :)

Nathan said...

Not that his teacher will ever know it, but he deserves extra credit just for recognizing crap and being willing to start over. My response to a square peg and a round hole was always to get a bigger hammer.

WendyB_09 said...

Good for Smart Boy!

I frequently realize that I am losing the debate with myself, but only AFTER it was too late to withdraw the missives or comments already in public play.

Gold star to your son for figuring it out BEFORE it affected his grade!

Double kudos for the difficulty level he picked on his new topic!!

John the Scientist said...

Good. for. him.


I surfed in on a 'Holiday depression' search?

Soeakin' of hollowday depression, here’s that regrettably hilarious classic XXX Xmas parody song
listen and/or download for free

Stay on groovin' safari,


Do typos make you a dumb-ass?

She said, your case it was birth.

Janiece said...

Welcome, Tor.

Typos don't make you a dumb-ass around here.

The rest remains to be seen. ;-)