This is Blueberry Wine & Son. Blueberry Wine is a retired PBR (Professional Bull Riding) bull, who earned "Bull of the Year" honors multiple times. He's also a favorite of my Hot Mom, who is a big PBR fan.
Onto the Chick Stuff.
My Smart Man has agreed to go to the Outlet Stores with me this weekend. There's a Cole Haan store in the ones near our house, and I've been wanting to go there for some time.
I love Cole Haan, especially the shoes that use the "Nike Air" technology that make wearing heels less an exercise in torture and more something that you might actually want to do.
I'm hoping that this boot is available there in my size. I wear a lot of jeans (since I work from home and don't leave the house much), and these would work just fine.
I've also got my eyes on these pumps. I really don't have anywhere to wear them (see aforementioned lifestyle), but who doesn't need a good, comfortable pair of black pumps?
That's a rhetorical question, by the way.
Because the correct answer is no one.

I also want this bag. I've been carrying a Coach for several years, but I'm about ready for something new. Not that the Coach has worn out or anything - I'm just ready for a change.
The "Janiece" fund can only support one or two of these items, though. Decisions, decisions...
We now return to your regularly scheduled program.
Simple funding soulution - one pair of shoes, one bag. Get the shoes you'll actually wear, and the bag you want.
Then, when someone gets married or dies, you can buy the pumps, because YOU HAVE NO CHOICE.
Blueberry Wine actually sounds rather appealing. Not in the "huge animal bent on skewering me" variety, but rather in the corked bottle variety.
Oh, and I recently bought new shoes too. I'm gonna put up a picture soon. They are awesome. You may not agree with my assessment of their awesomeness, but still, they are shoes. :)
Cindi, I may only be able to afford one item, depending on the deals offered a the Outlet. If I can afford two, then the boots and the bag are a no-brainer.
But what if I can only afford one?
Shawn, shoe buying is always a good topic of conversation around here.
I love shoes and bags. Because no matter how my weight fluctuates, they're always a good investment.
If you can only afford one, get the boots. You can keep your stuff in a Target bag if you have to. ;)
Well, it is true that I have many, many bags. And most of them don't have a Target logo.
But I don't have many high-heeled shoes that don't make me wish to surgically remove my feet after a couple hours.
Why don't you tell the nice readers WHY you need high heels?
Cindi, you think you're funny, but you're not.
Yes, gentle readers, I am short.
To be more precise, I come from a tall family, so they consider me to be short.
When in fact, my height is exactly average for a woman in this country, and it's my family members who are all freakishly tall.
I am too funny.
And "freaksihly tall"? Please. Envy is unbecoming.
See? I AM funny.
And you're taller than Boo.
Cindi, Boogie the Giant Schnauzer is taller than Boo.
And that doesn't make you funny...
So you have height envy?
Tsk, tsk.
And I think Cindi is VERY funny!
Thank you, Vince.
See J.? :) I told you.
You can both be replaced.
The thing that sticks out (for me) is that, not only are there professional bull riders, but they have "big fans."
Yeah, Yeah. I know. I'm replaceable too.
Actually, Nathan, it's big business. And I occasionally watch PBR myself. The cowboys (and the bulls) are pretty cool.
Nathan, CMT did a series called - wait for it - Celebrity Bull Riding.
Where D list "celebrities" do face plants in the dirt for fame and cash. Folks like Vanilla Ice, Leif Garret, Johnny Fairplay and Nitro.
How do I know this, you ask. Um, I read about it somewhere. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket.
::skulks away::
I'm pretty sure that the animals used on "Celebrity Bull Riding" were either infirm, drugged, or both, although I never saw it.
Because the likes of Blueberry Wine and Little Yellow Jacket would of pounded them into the ground on a bad day.
Now that I would have paid to see.
OK. So, I'm female (I'm sure!) and I don't own a pair of black pumps. Don't have any desired to own any.
I wear Clarks, with a low of a heel as possible, because that gives me less far to fall. (I can walk fine in heels as well as I can walk in flats. I just can't walk well period and am constantly tripping over air molecules and the like.)
And Janiece, you and I can both gang up on the tall family members. My brother? 6'5". My male cousins? 6'3", 6'2", 6". By comparison, at 5'7", I'm short.
Which is funny, because I tend to loom over most of the women I've ever worked with, but I still don't feel tall.
I am currently taller only than my 17 year old female cousin (I can't celebrate--I grew two inches in college) and my grandmother, and that's only because SHE is shrinking.
So if you want, you can buy my shoes for yourself.
Although I have to admit that I am going to have to buy a pair of dressy shoes soon, because I'm going to be in my friend's wedding, and she's making me WEAR A DRESS!
Janiece, I'm just under 5'10", and my husband calls me short. Because he's 6'2" and that makes me short in his world.
LOVE THE SHOES. I want to see Shawn's (new pair of Chucks?), too. Here's the new pair I picked up last month (hey, I think I got them the evening after I had lunch with Jim).
Michelle, I'm not allowed to impulse buy shoes, even if they're "yours." Something about my shoes taking over the entire walk-in closet. Sometimes my Smart Man is very close-minded.
Tania, I love Dansko's. I have a couple pairs I used to wear with work slacks when I had to be on my feet a lot at conferences and such. Comfy!
Michelle, Dansko's are the shoes for you...
I wear Dansko and Ariat clogs most of the time... when I'm not truly slumming and wear my Crocs to the grocery store. I never find comfy heels, and usually end up buying a new pair for every event, they proliferate.
Tania, yours are very cute.
And I'd vote shoes over bag... but I've been looking unsuccessfully for a new bag for a long time. I have Brighton taste on a Fred Meyer budget.
Hmm... wonder if I can find Dansko's around here.
And heck, you can come store shoes in my closet. There are no shoes at all in our upstairs walk in closet, and two pairs of boots in the closet we built in the basement. A black pair of Danskin's that are incredibly comfortable, and the white boots I wore with my wedding dress, because it took me so damned long to find the, :)
Otherwise, plenty of space for shoes.
I have shoe racks on my walls.
I loves the shoes. Bags, I'm ok with. But I love shoes. :)
Oh, and for a laugh - my friend Catherine actually owns and USES this purse.
She loves it.
Tania, the Chicken Purse made me chuckle.
Michelle, you can find Dansko's on-line, but you should really be fitted for your first pair - they use European sizing. The Walking Store carries them.
And Jeri, you should try the Nike Air Cole Haan's. Heaven.
I have issues with shoes, so I have bought ONE pair of shoes in my entire life without trying them on, and those were the boots I wore for my wedding, because the only place I could find them was online.
Next time we travel I'll have to look for someone that sells them. Luckily my husband doesn't mind shoe shopping with me, since normally I breeze in, see I hate everything on the shelves because not one thing looks comfortable, and then leave. On the rare occasion I find something I want to try on, he usually ends up finding a pair of shoes as well.
But I'm not sure that's enough to offset all my mood swings. :)
Hmm, first a picture of a bull, which is essentially hamburger wrapped in leather. And then Janiece shows us shoes and purses, which are essentially repurposed leather wraps. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, Janiece? :)
Michelle, try http://www.dansko.com/flash.aspx to see if anything catches your eye. No point in traipsing all over the state looking for Dansko outlets if you hate the way they look.
Steve, I'm trying to maintain a certain "flow" to my blog entries. You're so clever to have noticed!
I think I'm in love.
Michelle, you'll love the way they feel, too.
Will they make my feet as happy as my Merrels? Because these are teh awesome.
Wait, so how did the tumbly green truck relate to ... what was it, hair?
MWT, my blogging sills are evolving.
Give me the bulls
Dr Scholl's tennies work just fine - thanks
By the way Blueberry has several sons on the circuit now as does Little Yellow Jacket...my current fav is Reindeer Dippin. NOW that bull is psycho...
Yes, fellow net denizens, this is the same Hot Mom who reads Rolling Stone.
And whos favorite musicians are the four "B's"
No question about it, Mom. You're eclectic.
I hope I don't get ridden out on a rail when I say I hate buying shoes, and generally buy only one or two pairs a year, and even then usually at the PayLess. I would, however, love to own those boots - the look great!
I am a bag fiend, however. Does that elevate my status at all?
I'm also short (5'3"), so I can relate to the height envy. Hubby's only 5'7", though, so it's a good thing I'm short...
camsavwin, you will MAD with jealousy when I blog about my shopping trip, then.
Did I mention the Outlet Mall also has a Coach store?
Did I mention the Outlet Mall also has a Coach store?
How many horses?!
To follow on with what Michelle said...
Landau? Phaeton? Curricle? Gig? Brougham?
Inquiring minds want to know!
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