You know that $18M deal I've been working on for like, 6 years? Yeah, The Asstard Company decided not to buy it.
Shocking, I know.
The Bright Side: I no longer have to do pre-sales design work for The Asstard Company.
Never imply that I'm not an optimist. ::Snort::
Shocking, I know.
The Bright Side: I no longer have to do pre-sales design work for The Asstard Company.
Never imply that I'm not an optimist. ::Snort::
Revised 3/24/2008 12:27 p.m. to include the photo created by my buddy Nathan to express my sentiments. Hee! Thanks, Nathan!
Good gawd.
Might I offer you a glass of scotch?
It's very Monday here too. WTF?
I just ate onions in my sammich at lunchtime. I think I'm gonna go breathe on people now. Just because I'm in that kinda mood.
(I'll spare you all)
Tania, I'm more of a vodka kind of gal, but I'll take the offer in the spirit it was intended.
I was not a bit surprised by this turn of events.
What's this, a bottle of Grey Goose in my freezer?
Here, it's all yours.
Here in redneck land, folks would be more likely to have an actual grey goose in their freezer.
I'm more of a vodka kind of gal.
What? With a name like Murphy, that had better be Irish vodka :)
Actually, I prefer beer, but I think something a bit stronger may be in order...
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Uh...Candy Gram.
Uh..Avon Calling.
I didn't order any Avon.
Uh...Land Shark.
Thanks, Nathan. Hee!
So glad I could help.
I do that all the time, so you have my sympathy! Except mine is building a project model, not a technical design. I think one of my business cases last year went through 14 versions over the course of a year, only to be cancelled for lack of funding.
I'm glad you're not going to have to deal with them any more. (And I hope we don't annoy our SE that much... I'm pretty sure we're much lower maintenance.)
I'm still trying to figure out what an Asstard company might sell.
Toilet paper?
Designer toilet paper?
Designer toilet paper with feathers?
Charcoal filtered underwear?
Shaved gerbils?
Oh! I know! Anal Cranial Extraction Devices!
Michelle, I'm not telling you what they sell, as I'd prefer to keep my job.
But I enjoyed your speculation!
michelle k, see, I'd go for companies selling septic solutions or bio-digesters (no, you really don't want to know if you don't already).
And how much telecom could they need anyway.
"Um, sir, your butt is on line 4..."
I know what bio digesters are and they're better than the alternative.
And septic solutions covers a lot of ground. :)
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