Mind Games

Monday, March 17, 2008
I'm going to be busy today, because I have an extremely complex multi-million dollar project that requires my attention. My employer narrow-mindedly believes I should spend time on that rather than this.

To amuse you while I'm gone, we'll do this game:

Pick your same-sex/opposite-sex love puppy.

The rules are:

  • The person you select must be of the opposite sex than you're normally attracted to. So for me, since I'm straight, I have to pick a woman.
  • The person must have at least a semi-celebrity status.
  • Each celebrity/semi-celebrity must be alive.
  • Each celebrity/semi-celebrity can be used only once.

To start you off, I'll go first:


Jim Wright said...

Hey! I want Charlize Theron too!

Yeah, I know what the rules of this game are, but I'm not very good at following rules (you know Warrants). Plus, I really, really like Mz Theron :)

Cindi in CO said...

Penelope Cruz for me.

I'm going to pretend I don't know about Tombatshitcrazy Cruise thing.

Random Michelle K said...


Gina Torres (Zoe on Firefly)


Avery Brooks

I'd much rather look at girls than guys. But I am married to a guy. So you figure it out.

Tom said...

I'm gonna say Mark Harmon.

Cindi in CO said...

Tom, Mark Harmon is my celebrity husband. :)

MWT said...

I think I'm disqualified by virtue of knowing almost no celebrities.

vince said...

Patrick Stewart.

Jeri said...

I'd have to say Renee Russo - brainy-gorgeous and stacked. :)

Janiece said...

Jim, don't be a stick-in-the-mud.

You have to choose a guy for your same-sex boyfriend.

But Charlize can be your celebrity wife. How's that?

And Michelle, we'll just count Avery Brooks as your celebrity husband.

Tania said...

Gina Gershon. Rowwrrr.

Nathan said...

Jeri is a boy's name, right?

I pick Jeri Ryan!

Unknown said...

It used to be Angelina Jolie, but lately she's been getting a wee bit thin for my taste.

Jessica Biel is her main competition right now.

Anne C. said...

How in the hell? Oops, accidentally invented another Blogger name for myself.

That above was me.

Janiece said...

Nathan, Jeri Ryan can be your celebrity wife.

But you still need a same-sex boyfriend.

Random Michelle K said...

How about we just give Jim & Nathan boyfriends?

I think Jim would like to have a crush on Nathan Fillion.

And Nathan? He should have a crush on Edward Norton. Or Gary Oldman. I can't decide which.

Nathan said...

I'm off my cursing moratorium. Gary Oldman's a fucking slob. He smells from six feet away.

Anonymous said...

Decisions, decisions...

Right now I'm gonna have to go with Queen Latifah. I think she's gorgeous and she rocks beyond the imagining of it.

(Other options would have been Gillian Anderson and Catherine Zeta-Jones. And Gina Torres as Zoe [good choice, michelle k].)

I'm pretty damned straight, but those women? Yowza. I'm still keeping Jon Stewart as my pretend boyfriend, however.

Vince, nice selection.

vince said...

Carol Elaine - thanks! I first saw him in "I, Claudius". He has always impressed me. A marvelous actor, intellegent, and a decent human being from all accounts.

Unknown said...

Kate Winslet

We'd be two great Kate's that go great together.

*giggles profusely*

Anonymous said...

Vince, you should see Patrick Stewart perform in person. I've seen him speak at a Star Trek convention and seen him perform A Christmas Carol.

Wanna know why he's bald? He has so much charisma it burned up all his hair.

True story.

Random Michelle K said...


If you'd pick for yourself, you wouldn't get our choices!

And I think I really could have lived a long and happy life not knowing that.

Becca said...

Sara Ramirez who plays Calli on Grey's Anatomy! Now she is HOT!

For men? Dennis Haysbert, the guy that is on the Unit and does the Allstate commercials!

Janiece said...

Becca, I agree. Have you ever heard her sing? Lovely!

And Jim and Nathan, Michelle and I are picking for you if you get on the bandwagaon right quick.


Nathan said...


I'll take CarrotTop.

Janiece said...

Nathan, ew. Just ew.

Random Michelle K said...

Really Nathan?

Is he actually funny in person or something?

Tania said...

Nathan, I'm giving you Lawrence Fishburne, since he's on my guy list.

I don't want to think about your 'choice'. ::shudder::

Random Michelle K said...

OK Tanya, that's actually a bit creepy, since Nathan and I would then be splitting a married couple.

Janiece said...

Tania, I like Lawrence, too.

I think Jim should have Samuel L. Jackson,

Anne C. said...

Gina Torres IS smokin' hot. I forgot about her. (I was kinda jealous of Wash, actually!)

Shawn Powers said...

I'm really late to the game due to google reader issues, BUT ironically at the time of this post, I was in a Mexican restaurant in Houston on gay night (not by my design...). What are the odds?

I think I'd have to pick Matthew Perry. He makes me laugh. Plus, Vince already took the Captain.

Ilya said...

Too bad I wasn't playing back when you had this fun - I have so many candidates for my same-sex boyfriend...

My top choice would be Cristiano Ronaldo - he puckers his lips in a mock kiss so cutely - but all of you American folks don't know who the true football heroes are... So, I'd have to go with George Clooney. My wife loves him, too, so we could always have some fun, you know...

Janiece said...

Ilya, it's never too late to participate in the weirdness.