Here's the strawberry jam from Saturday's batch. The usual rules apply:
1. Jim, Beastly, Michelle, Becca and family members are not eligible, because I'm the only one allowed to be a greedy materialist on my blog.
2. I have delayed posting this until mid-day MST, to ensure everyone has an equal chance, even those who live west of me.
3. Shipment won't occur until later this week, because it needs to set for a couple days.
May the fastest blogger win!
So, I'm first here for the jam. I love strawberry jam.
But it's taken me more than a year to get through a small jar of Smuckers, so I just don't eat that much of it. I would much rather it go to someone who wasn't first here as long as they would do proper justice to what I'm sure is a fabulous batch of jam.
So I won't make a claim at this time.
You're a stand-up guy, Tom. Next time I put some up, I'll put a small jar aside for you.
Unless my future apple butter request negates my jamilicious bequeathing.
Strawberry Jam is my second favorite toast spread you see...
Ok, honestly, I'll wait. I just wanted to win. :)
...but what if Janiece's strawberry jam is incredible and I'm losing the chance for really good homemade jam...
Nope, I'm resolute. I want apple butter. The materialist in my is a patient bugger.
Michelle kept me distracted about Elliot Spitzer over at my place.
I lose, right?
Ooh! just read the comments.
Did I win? Did I? Did I?
Shawn, I'll send you guys a jar. You have three children - I expect you go through a lot of jam.
And no, Nathan, you don't lose. You're a lucky, lucky winner. Because I have two jars of Strawberry Jam to give away, you see. Shawn and his crew get only one.
Shawn, I already have your snail mail, so you're good to go.
Nathan, please e:mail your snail mail to me at first name dot last name upper-case-2 comcast dot net.
Jam of a flavor I like.
I'm betting it gets a much better review than that Deaver guy.
I didn't mean to be distracting! I was just fascinated by unfolding events, and Nathan's the closest there!
Thanks Janiece!!! We do go through a lot of jam at the homestead here. :)
Slight Hijack: I don't want to comment on my site, but this post was just emailed to our entire staff at the school. They are peeved at me, and I suspect are going to try to get me fired.
It might be an interesting thread to watch... (assuming any of them comment)
Oh, and I largely suspect my job is not in jeopardy. :)
The jam will go out Friday. Enjoy!
Shawn, if you did get fired for that, I suspect you would have grounds for a wrongful termination suit. Just sayin'.
Who sent the e:mail?
I'm going to change my name to "Carol Too-Late-to-the-Party." Because hyphenated names are all the rage. And because it describes me to a T.
That's what I get about being all distracted by work and mooning over a boy. Yeesh.
(And the Spitzer thing. That just about boggles my mind.)
Poor Carol Elaine. Just think, though - eventually you'll get a chance, because everyone else will be ineligible based on the greedy materialist rule!
And which boy? Details!
I lose again too. :( Didn't even know there was a jam giveaway until Nathan posted his triumph (and I wasn't even looking at the Spitzer thing!) (Of course, I wouldn't've gone looking for the Spitzer thing either had John the Scientist not pointed me to it at the Back Fence while I was innocently going about my business working).
(Also: when this post went up I was busily drawing a giant colorful fish. o.O )
Me to late. I'll have to live with Smuckers, sigh. :)
Janiece, rather than clutter up your lovely comments with my blather, I'll just say that the details can be found over on my blog. Suffice it to say that the boy (who's a whole three months younger than me *gasp*) is very cute, very nice and shows some promise as a Smart Man that this Hot Chick will dig.
I have to say, I just love these blogs! This comment thread has it all.
Thanks :)
I'm glad my blog brother got some jam! Yay, Nathan!
Oh, and Shawn, too, of course. For the kiddies, Shawn. You said so.
My whole family is allergic to strawberries!!!!
(Ok, that's not true, but it makes me look sinister, no?)
You guys are a hoot. Don't worry - there'll be more. Blackberry's up next.
(Hint to the slow - I can almost guarantee the post will go up on Monday's, mid-day. Just sayin').
I'm not vying for the jam - I'm late to the party, as always - but I have to give you props that it's on the table. And if I'd arrived on time, as anyone with manners should have done, I'd have totally been in the running.
Actually, it's your Apple Butter I'm lusting after.
Well done, Hot Chick!
And... I'm not a fan of your header quote - though I've used many LL quotes, that one is not my favorite. Just my (Hot Chick) opinion.
Carol Elaine, good luck with your new beau.
And I'm sorry to hear HS Teacher didn't work out. I liked him, in a "I'm glad you like him" kind of way. Plus he was a teacher, so you know.
camsavwin, I have a couple issues with that one, too. I'm not so much a drooling fan-girl that I agree with everything RAH had to say.
I just use the next quote in the Notebook on a daily basis. 'Cause I'm too lazy to find ones that are appropriate the post of the day.
I may use another system some day, but for now, this suffices.
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