The Iron Giant

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I love this movie. I TiVoed it a couple weeks ago and finally got around to watching it again last night.

It's the story of a extraterrestrial military robot who lands on earth during the Sputnik era. He's befriended by a young boy named Hogarth Hughes, who teaches him rudimentary English and treats him like his playmate.

Of course, the U.S. government sends a smarmy agent to investigate reports of the strange occurrences, and the agent automatically assumes the Giant is a threat to national security.

I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it, but I always bawl like 5 year old towards the end, then grin like an idiot at the very end.

The central theme is "You are what you choose to be." I think that's a pretty cool message.

It was directed by Brad Bird (the same guy that did The Incredibles.) Voice talents include Jennifer Aniston, Harry Connick, Jr., John Mahoney, Eli Marienthal, and Christopher McDonald.

I was never very sentimental about the Disney animated films that were around when I was growing up. The girls were always helpless and needed rescuing, which never really appealed to me. So I waited until my thirties to find my favorite animated movie.

I love this movie.


Anne C. said...

It is an excellent movie. You have good taste, Janiece.

Of course, I knew that.

(And blogger sucks on the weekend, apparently.)

Janiece said...

Anne, I've been having trouble for the last couple days, actually.

Google needs to get cracking.

Nathan said...

I've never seen that one. I'm watching "Hellboy" on TV right now and getting quite the kick out of it.

I didn't have any blogger problems 'til today but it seems to have been down for a couple of hours.

Janiece said...

Nathan, if you like Hellboy you'll like The Iron Giant. The former is more adult oriented, and the latter is more kid oriented, but it's still a great movie.

Knut said...

Figured that it was about time I stopped by and said *hi*. I've never seen "The Iron Giant". I'll put it in my queue though. As for Blogger, took forever to load this page.

Shawn Powers said...

Oh yeah, The Iron Giant is awesome. Good taste, really good taste.

I might have to watch it again myself, it's been a while...

Janiece said...

Hi Knut! Welcome.

Yeah, blogger's having some trouble today. It's usually not this bad. Hopefully they'll get their act together before Monday's rush...