Last weekend and this weekend, my Smart Boy is performing in his high school's production of Urinetown - The Musical. It's his first production, and he was cast as "Executive #2." He says it's been a rewarding experience, although I don't think he was prepared for how time-consuming such a project is.
The story surrounds the idea that in some not-to-distant future, there is a severe water shortage, and so public restrooms become a thing of the past. Instead, there are pay-to-pee facilities, which really puts the poor at a disadvantage. The company that runs the facilities, the Urine Good Company, is fabulously successful and all the stockholders and the founder are all filthy rich. If you don't pay, or pee on the street, you get sent to Urinetown (the place, not the musical). As you can imagine, this eventually leads to conflict between the rich and poor, etc. etc.
The music and the book borrowed heavily from every musical made in the last 60 years, including Guys and Dolls, Les Miserables, and The Phantom of the Opera.
Saturday my Hot Mom and I went to see the show, and we laughed our asses off. As you can probably guess from the title, it's a satire, and the high school is doing a really nice job with the production. My Smart Man, my Hot Cousin and I will be going again tomorrow night, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it again.
I had a conundrum, though. For girls, when they enjoy a theatrical success, it's customary to get them flowers. Well, I'm pretty sure that my Smart Boy would not enjoy flowers as a gift. So what to do? A bouquet of cookies? A bouquet of balloons? Not so much. I finally found a Sweatshirt:

The front has the UGC logo with the words "Employee of the Month." I thought it was appropriate, since his role is as an executive with the company.
I had to pay for express shipping, since I didn't think of it until Monday, but hey, he's worth it.
I plan on giving it to him before closing night, so he can wear it to the cast party if he wants.
1. I'm floored that your boy's H.S. had the balls to stage Urinetown. This is excellent.
2.In an earlier life (through freshman year of college), I wanted to be an actor. Boys will accept the bouquet of roses in the spirit they're given. (We just want attention.)
3. Whether he continues on this path or not, the impact of understanding how much dedication is required for that moment of applause is totally a good thing.
Enjoy his triumph!
Nathan, he's been singing in the school's top choir for a number of years, but he was resisting theatre up until now, possibly because I did it when I was a teen.
But all his friends are in theatre, so he decided to check it out this year. I hope he continues, but like you said, this experience has been a good one, even if he never does it again.
And yeah, you're right about the HS...this is the director's last show before retirement, and I think that has something to do with it. But, as you can imagine, there was some grumbling from some of the more conservative parents. I'm glad the director told them to piss off.
Good show!
Good for your Smart Boy. When I did theater in high school, boys did not get flowers. In college I did, and in little theater/community theater, I have. If he continues in theater, he'll come to appeciate them, especially when they come from a Hot Chick.
Like Nathan, I say kudos to the high school for tackling the musical. I doubt I could get my community theater to do it. Might offend someone, ya know, and we can't have that.
I'm glad the director told them to piss off.
Michelle, of all my readers, I assumed you would appreciate that pun the most.
It's wonderful that your smart boy decided to try theatre out!
In the productions my son has been in, all the cast members, male and female, have gotten a single rose on closing night. Far from being unappreciative - he's dried them and is saving them as mementos of his shows.
My son loves choir and loves theatre - and in musical theatre he's found nirvana. (Not the rock group.. LOL)
It sounds like a great show, and my kudos to the school for the edgier material! My son's school wanted to put on Neil Simon's "Rumors" but abandoned that plan because of profanity in the play. Simon wouldn't extend permission for a performance that varied in any way from his script. It's too bad...
I did appreciate very much.
Janiece, please stop with the shirts. You are well on the way to creating a meme that the rest of us will soon have to follow!
And I thought the name of the play was a takeoff on the way people pronounce "Pissburg."
Tom, I sure didn't mean to start a meme...just coincidence.
Tom, I sure didn't mean to start a meme...just coincidence.
I am in awe of your boy's HS. That well and truly rocks.
Also, I'm loving the sweatshirt. I'm sure your son will too.
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