OK House Bill 2211 - A Follow-Up

Monday, March 10, 2008
Yesterday I asked "What the Fuck is Wrong With These People?" in response to OK House Bill 2211.

Today I found out.

One of the bill's sponsors, Betty Kern, is apparently a hate-mongering bitch. I tried to embed the video, but I'm having some trouble, so you can listen here.

Un-fucking-believable. This woman self-identifies as a Christian. Yeah, right. Good luck with that. Fucking hypocrite.

H/T to ERV.


Jim Wright said...

I could barely listen to this crazy shit. I think we've found another case where use of the 'c' word is acceptable.

Did you read the comments attached to this video? Yeah, wonderful bunch of people out there.

Twenty years this stupid bitch taught in the public schools? That explains a lot.

Janiece said...

Jim, it made my skin crawl, too. I considered using the "c" word to describe her instead of "hate mongering bitch," but I didn't want my search results to include that word.

I don't read You Tube comments - that web site does not attract a higher caliber of people.

I wonder how many of her students are Lierty University alumni?

Nathan said...

Well, she is a monster, but don't forget, she got a majority in the legislature to agree with her.

I think I'll avoid OK.

Janiece said...

Nathan, the Bill hasn't passed yet...we'll see how it turns out.

But I'm not hopeful. At all.

Jim Wright said...

Uh, she's on CNN right now.

She says she stands by her comments - and calls on history to support her crazy bullshit - BUT she states vehemently that she is NOT anti-gay or engaging in homo-bashing - sort of the way Hitler wasn't anti-semitic, but called on history to justify the 'final solution'. Fucking ignorant bitch.

I swear, every time I hear that inbred hick-ass slave state drawl, this is exactly the type of person I think of.

Janiece said...

I wonder how long it'll be before moderates and liberals start calling for her resignation.

Couldn't happen to a nicer person.

And what Jim called her. Yeah.

Jeri said...

I couldn't finish listening to it, it was too annoying. All her historical and statistical bullshit that was completely unsubstantiated and uncited... ugh.

It drives me nuts when my inlaws rant against gay marriage, because you know what? If my mom ever decided to marry her partner (or any other gay or lesbian friends/acquantainces were to wed) I'd be there with my dancing shoes on.

Janiece said...

Jeri, me too. Love should be celebrated, wherever we find it.

mom in northern said...

You have succeeded in pissing the old lady off...I keep forgetting there are people out there who really believe this sort of thing. I will add that it makes me a proud Mama to realize I raised a kid who can tell real "Bull S--t" when she see it.

Janiece said...


My Mom's pround of me. :-D

mom in northern said...

But like her Mom she can't spell.... :-)

Janiece said...

Or type. Or something.

Janiece said...

Becca posted this on one of Google's Hate-Mongering-Bitch reposts, so it got deleted. Here's her 2 cents:

"She needs some real life education. Not everyone is as closed minded and ignorant as her. Yes there are gays everywhere, but they are not worse than terrorists. And where can she state facts and studies to show where civilizations have ended after only a few decades because of gays?

She is a unbelievable. Get off your soapbox lady and get real. You might learn a thing or two about life."

Unknown said...

On an evolutionary standpoint, if every person in this world was a homosexual, yes, this could eventually be a slight problem in the steady propagation of the species.

If she is calling it the biggest threat, she does need to prioritize. There are a lot more things out there to worry about then the way people love each other.

Ignorance and hatred will be our downfall in the end, not homosexuality.

Janiece said...

Kate, I don't get it, either. Statistically speaking, the gay population tends to be more educated, more successful, more law abiding than the straight population. If I was a politician, I would be glad to have constituents like that, regardless of who they sleep with.