The Universe is Trying to Kill You

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm wearing this T-Shirt today, although mine says "The Universe is Trying to Kill You."

What? Paranoid? Who, me?


vince said...

Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

My daughter often complains that the universe is out to get her.

Janiece said...

Vince, the T is for sale over at SkepChicks, if you want to get your daughter one. :-)

vince said...

Thanks Janiece! That's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Steve Buchheit said...

Me likee. Me want (but, you know, in a more manly cut of t-shirt that won't emphasis my man-boobs). And how can you not like Dr. Tyson (especially if you watch PBS and strangely enough, Comedy Central).

The Universe is talking to me, and it's mostly talkin' smack.

Janiece said...

Steve, they do sell reglular T-Shirt style in a manly, manly xxLarge, as well.